Knit Bloggers: Why We Do What We Do

 We all knit, but we all share other things on our blogs as well.   I come to your blog for knit inspiration and LIFE inspiration.   Sometimes was talk about marinated grilled cherry tomatoes,
and sometimes we talk  about Hummingbird nests .  (This is my friend Kath's nest in L.A.)

So today, I'll say a name and you say the first thought that comes to mind...

(My answers are in the comments section today)


Major Jennifer.....
Donna B......
Kim KSD......
Lynn from Michigan......

I wish I could put everyone's name in the list....if I left you out,  
I'll put you in another time! 


kathy b said…
Okay: in a word

Major Jennifer: Scouting
Mere: Feathers
Donna: Packers
Channon: Clothes
Nancy: Valor
Marguerite: Birds
Emily: Dishrag
Kim: Hunks
Lynn: Sewing
Grace: Lace
Nancy said…
Some of the names are unfamiliar to me, so here are the ones I know:

Major Jennifer - camping
Channon - fur girls
Grace - shawls
gMarie - sewing
Dee - foto Fridays
Katherine - fearless frogger
Meredith said…
I am not familiar with the names, so for me knitting is my word (today), probably because I just put it down, and my word for you is, "friend". I am going to have to check out Donna because if her word is Packers we are going to be close friends.
Hugs to you Kathy,
Katherine said…
Some thoughts come right away and others I need a refresher visit to their blogs. I can't do one word, so:
Major Jennifer: Hero mom
Channon: Community service
Nancy: Loved teacher
Grace: Lace for the world
Grace said…
I agree with mereknits the first word that comes to mind is


SissySees said…
What a pick-me-up on a day I needed one!

Major Jennifer - hero
Nancy - educator
Grace - designer

Clearly, I have some new blogs to visit too.
KSD said…
I'm satisfied with my word.

Donna Boucher said…
Kathyb = friend
KathyTNY said…
I like Donna's idea ------

Kathyb = a GREAT blog writer! (among all her other wonderful talents which of course includes knitting!)
Yarn Miracle said…
I think "no idle hands" sums everyone right up.

(That IS three words, but there are a dozen names so I'm making allowances.)

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