Dragging Through Change

I am not good at change in general.  Some experts say the more we change it up, the better we get at change.  Some say those that live into their 90s handle change well.

I have to work on CHANGE.  I drag myself through Change with it's unknown frightening face.   I remember my dear Nana, when 90, put into a nursing home said to me tearfully, "I'll get used to it."
She never really did, but she championed the change by helping others in the nursing home.  It wasnt' for HER, that she was there, it was for them.

She would  'Adopt" a resident and make it her business to get them to the dining table on time or to Mass with her.   She was an amazing woman.  She loved to laugh.

Maybe I should TALK to her as Change rears its head these days.  Do you talk to someone who has died?

Even Change that I construct myself can throw me off.  How do you work through Change even when it is for something wonderful?

On the knit front, I changed my project yesterday.  By choice, I cast on for a baby beret for a friend.   That's one welcome and fun change.....
Is Change your friend or your tax collector?


Bridget said…
I don't necessarily love change, but apparently I give the impression that it is not a big deal for me when it happens, because people are always saying to me, "I wish I could be as accepting as you are," or "You handle things so well."

Apparently I'm a good pretender ...
kathy b said…
Pretend!! That's a GOOD idea... Bridget.
THe old Fake it till you make it approach!

Humor helps. IVe been watching Jim Gaffigan this morning and he snaps me out of a funk fast!
Anonymous said…
I've learned to accept change pretty well over the years. Patience and faith are necessary! The baby beret sounds adorable.
Just Me said…
As one whose daily life tends to repetition and routine, I love change. I get excited for good changes and challenged by murky changes, but on the whole, I love change.

Embrace it! Life is an adventure.
Sue said…
When I was younger I loved to make big changes in my life such as quitting my job and moving to a new State to start over. I did that several times.

Now I prefer routine, but there's no use fighting change, so I try to just make whatever adjustments I need to and go on. Sometimes things actually work out even better than before.
SissySees said…
It depends. If I'm in charge of the change - like the radical overhauls we're doing in the League right now - it's exciting, not scary. But if the change is thrust upon me and I am just hanging on for the ride, I hate it. I mean HATE. IT.

And I talk to my dead relatives, the boy dogs, the saints, God, trees, flowers, clouds...
Alyssa said…
I hate change. I tend to get a picture in my head of how things are going to go, and if they don't go that way, it's such a bummer...
Celia said…
I would like to think when you talk to dead relatives they guide you. It's been something done for thousands of years.

I'm not good with change either. I guess once it's over,it's not so bad.
Katherine said…
Oh yes, I do talk to loved ones who have left me. I talk to Carrie and my Mom everyday, and I often hear their voices. I frequently hear Carrie laugh when the whole family is together and we get crazy!

Change is hard for me too. I wish I could say I have control of my fear of change but I never have and aging doesn't seem to be helping. To make matters worse, it takes me a really long time to accept change after it happens!!
Jennifer said…
I always remember the cliche "Change is the only constant" - and try to press on. I love your grandma's outlook. What a gem. Good luck with the change you've got in your world. I'll be sending you positive thoughts and prayers. *Hugs*
Meredith said…
Gosh I hate change, and that is why it keeps slapping me in the face. I am here if you need to chat.
Wishing you a wonderful day,

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