Books and Nooks and Kindles

Stiff comes highly recommended by Al.   A bit of a dark topic; deals with the reality of undertaking ....

Bonk ....interesting topic for sure.   All about sex in a NPR kind of way.

Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?
This book is being read by several young women that I know.  The author is on the OFFICE TV show. I hear it is a pretty hilarious read.

Cocktail Hour Under the Tree of Forgetfulness.....very highly recommended by friend Linda who loves all things Africa...

The Swamp, was being read by the fellow sitting next to me on the flight home from Virginia.   I gather it has to do with Florida politics after reading the whole title.

As for me, I'm reading patterns. Patterns and Knit books.  and blogs....

What are you reading this weekend?


Beverly said…
I'm reading Living Dead in Dallas from the Sookie Stackhouse series. I've only seen a few of the episodes of True Blood which is the basis for the book. It has way more sex and violence than the books.

I agree that some things are best left to the imagination.
Lifesastitch said…
Jann Arden's autobiography, Falling Backwards. I love memoirs.
KSD said…
"My Ishmael" by Daniel Quinn. And as for the Mary Roach books? I cannot recommend them highly enough. They are, every one, fascinating.
Celia said…
I just finished up the "50 Shades" trilogy. The third book was very disappointing. I ruined the whole fantasy.

I am currently 80% through "Hunger Games". The games are disturbing
Lynneb said…
I am reading Tim Gunn's Fashion Bible on my Nook! Trying to find the next good memoir or cozy up fiction that I can't put down.
SissySees said…
Now that I'm home, I'm reading blogs and email. Before that, I read service dialogues and other exciting things...
Judy S. said…
Sounds like you had a great trip East! Right now I'm reading Wild, the author's story of hiking the length of the Pacific Crest Trail--alone and a spy novel.
kathy b said…
Shout out for the Pacific Trail book...I've heard it is AWESOME.

ALlison will have to read the Tim Gun book, thanks.

Fun to see what y'all are reading..
I can say y'all now that I've been to Virginia.

Channon IM so sorry we missed you in Chicago...
Katherine said…
I am reading New Tricks by David Rosenfelt. He writes about a lawyer who is wealthy and can defend anyone he wants. This case he is defending a Golden Retriever that is about to be put down. Great, tight courtroom drama even though it doesn't sound like it!

Also listening to Lincoln Child's The Third Gate. Weird!!!

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