9/11/12 This Land Is Your Land

 From the Redwood Forests to the Gulf Stream Waters, this land was made for you and me.
9/11 brought me back to knitting.  I had such difficulty sleeping after that day; my wise neighbor Abby asked me if I knew how to knit.  I said, I did.  I told her I hadn't knit anything in at least 5 years.   She suggested I start knitting again and keep the needles at my bedside.  So I did.

I fell in love with knitting again as it soothed my frazzled nerves. .. ......

I believe in silver linings.  John Milton came up with the phrase hundreds of years ago. "Every cloud has a silver lining"

It is a gorgeous September morning, much like the one of 11 years ago when the Twin Towers fell and our hearts were sucker punched.   I'll hug my Fireman a little tighter today.......


Nancy said…
God Bless all the heroes who rush into dangerous situations when others flee. Give Fireman an extra hug for me.

Abby is a wise woman, indeed.
KathyTNY said…
Hug your Fireman a little extra for me as he represents the brave men and women who run INTO danger while we are running from it! (or are trapped in it!)

We should not forget the pain and fear from 9/11 - just as the Greatest Generation does not forget the pain and fear of Pearl Harbor. It helps us to stay strong for our nation, fear God and seek His face, and to love one another.

Abby (love that name - named my daugher Abigail) was indeed a wise woman!
gMarie said…
Yes please - hug that Fireman just a little bit tighter for me as well. Interesting how lives turned inward. Sad, sad, scary day. g
SissySees said…
What a lovely post, Kathy. Thanks to your Fireman from us too.
Unknown said…
Such a lovely post. An extra heartfelt "thank you" to Fireman.
Sue said…
Thank his for us, too.
Meredith said…
I'd hug him too if I was there, lovely pot today. I was knitting before 9/11, but I knit a lot more after it.

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