Up Next.....

Next up: Family barbecue. Fireman found this fun piñata for the barbecue tonight.  Don't you just love whimsy?  The little kids need a fun game at a family event, don't you think?   My jello rainbow came out AWESOME. When I cut it I'll take a picture.  Wow, I'm bragging about JELLO.
 Next Up: I am casting on for a baby afghan with some yarn that decided it didn't want to be a vest.  I want to alternate between the afghan and the Mult. Shawl.  Karen gave me this book to browse through and a suggestion for which one to choose.  She's so smart about colors and yarn and what goes great together.   I will listen to her and make the easy peasy garter baby blanket.
Karen is knitting her second SUMMER FLIES Lace shawl.  She tells me she takes a few rows forward and a few rows back this time, but I think she's fabricating to be humble. I don't' think she knows how to make a knit mistake...

Next Up: Cleaning the house a bit for the party.  I learned to take it easy before a party in the past few years.  My mom would go into a frenzy before parties.  No wonder, there were 9 of us living in one house and I know for a fact I was a piggy.   I remember my normally calm funny mom turning into a barking sergeant before she entertained

I found I mimicked this perfectly as I prepared for entertaining at my own home.  Then my friend Madelon taught me:
"It's nobody's last meal" .  Those 4 words have gone far in my mind.  My aha moment.
Let's face it, I can clean for a week or more nonstop and you would still find a blob of pop on a kitchen appliance, some cat hair rolling across the floor like a tumbleweed, some Irish Lace in a corner high up on a wall, and the like.  It just isn't' worth getting worked up about.

So Next up:  Fresh flowers, because they make the house look great.
A good nap, because when I am tired, I am not a fun person.
Cleaning some jello off the stove.....because it is pretty noticeable....
Filling up the piñata and hanging it from a branch.

then as always: KNITTING!


Katherine said…
Your friend Madelon gave you good advice! Having six children made cleaning a 24/7 thing for me. If I had tried to clean more for a party or meeting I would be in a home by now. So I would just explain the mess by saying, "The house is clean underneath the clutter."
Nancy said…
Indeed, great advice. No one comes to a party to inspect the house. Enjoy!

I've never heard the expression "Irish lace" on the wall- translation, please.

The lace shawl your friend is knitting is gorgeous: I love that color.
Meredith said…
I think you have to clean much more after a party then before one, no one notices a cat hair or two, but you will notice the mess after it is all over. Why clean twice? HAve a great time,
Grace said…
i have that baby blanket book--but have not yet made any from it

there is a Pinterest saying go around

I get more cleaning done in the 10 minutes before company comes then I do all month---lately for me that is so true

It has been so hot here, and the AC churns constantly--I can't wait for crisp fall air so I can open all the windows!
Anonymous said…
Very cool piñata.

Have fun at the party and don't get worked up over perfection --- nobody notices the other stuff. They just know whether it was FUN and it sounds like it surely will be!
Celia said…
I hope you had a great party. Very cute pinata.
Kathy said…
Good advice about just chilling over the house work etc. My Mom would also go into this frenzy when family or friends were coming, and I am the same way.

I am learning......at age 57 - life is too short and I am trying to change my bad habits and destructive behavior!

Good girl to you!
kathy b said…
Nancy: IRish lace is spiderwebs on the wall!
April Pettit said…
I love that baby afghan book (although my copy is a little worse for wear from use). If someone mentions a dirty house I always say that I freed the elves after watching Harry Potter. :) Hope you have a great time!
SissySees said…
What April said! My house elf ran off with a friend's opposite-gender house elf several winters ago. Hem. At least I have friends who need to justify their not-eat-off-the-floor-spotless homes as well. ;)
Judy S. said…
Still working on Sothia here, but my list of future shawls is getting longer by the day. Thanks for the Irish lace translation...too funny. Glad your jello turned out; that's not an easy recipe.
Lynneb said…
My Aunt always said, "if you are coming to see me, come anytime. If you are coming to see my house, make and appointment!"

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