Too Funny Not to Share

I adore this image that I copied off Pinterest Boards.  It is hysterical to me.  I think hot dogs are going to be the end of my vegetarianism some day.  I love a charred hot dog....
Did I make you smile?

Do you Canoe?  Do you KayaK?  I love a quiet canoe on a still little lake in the early morning of summer.

I canoed the Boundary Waters in high school and it had a profound affect on  me.

How to tie this to knitting?  Well, how's this for you: I'd like to find a yarn named
Boundary far no luck!


SissySees said…
My father loved to be out in a canoe. I did crew in college, and that's about as closely as I can tie those two thoughts together.

I do NOT love a charred hotdog. In fact, only when I discovered Hebrew National 'dogs did I decide I even like hotdogs. I'd prefer that mine are boiled, thanksmuch.
Beverly said…
I love hotdogs and I love Pinterest. I'd like to see one with chili floating on a canoe.
Nancy said…
I don't care for hotdogs, but I'll take a bratwurst any day.

Oh yeah, Pinterest is a great place to keep ideas.
KathyTNY said…
Once again I believe that you and are peas from the same pod! I LOVE charred hot dogs - and yes you made me smile!

Also, I LOVE to canoe - on a quiet lake in the middle of the Adirondacks looking at loons and great Blue Herons fishing on the edge with their long skinny legs.

Vera said…
Love the pic -- too funny. I, too, love being on a lake in the early a.m. -- preferably in Vermont. My husband built a guideboat, so we sometimes take that out. I can just picture the shade that Boundary Waters yarn would be!
Celia said…
I agree, the name of the yarn sell me on it. I love a great yarn name.
Katherine said…
I dig the dog!! Also love charred (dark) hotdogs! Now I wish I had planned hotdogs for dinner.

DH and our youngest son canoed the boundary waters when our son was 16. He still talks about the experience, especially the bear they encountered. The bear was on a small island a short distance from their camp. They packed up fast and took off when the bear got in the water. Of course I asked what the bear was doing and he said, "the breast stroke."
KSD said…
That is ingenious and adorable.

And if you ever go back to hot dogs, spiral cut them before they're grilled. It makes ALL the difference in the world.
Judy S. said…
That is too funny! And brings back lots of Girl Scout camp memories. Never did the Boundary Waters, you lucky duck, but I have canoed on the Wisc. River and the Fox with a few lakes thrown in around Waupaca. Those were fun days. Are you a fan of s'mores also?
Z said…
Cute photo.
Meredith said…
Very cute picture. My husband has canoed the Boundary Waters several times and loved it. His Mother went every year for years and years, well into her 80's.
Happy Thursday,
Beverly said…
Love it - Thanks for posting. I hadn't seen it on pinterest.
Yarn Miracle said…
We can't get them here, but I hear the Field Roast Frankfurters are dead ringers.
Lynneb said…
Oh, my gosh...too cute. I love a good hot dog. Better yet would be eating that hot dog while I was canoeing or of my favorite upper body workouts!

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