Do You Smile When You Knit???

I am pretty sure I smile when I knit.  I'm going to think about that today when I pick up the baby blanket in progress.  I am also pretty sure I cry when I knit; well, not really.  I have shed some tears over the years but they were way back.  I surely scowl when I drop a stitch.   A time lapse of knitters' faces would be interesting enough ....
Tank, aka Helo, is starting to smile around here.  Just look into those aqua eyes......they make me smile all the time. He is half Siamese and all gorgeous.
"I was not talented enough to run and smile at the same time" - Emil Zatopek (champion Czechoslovakian distance runner, when asked about unusual facial expression when running)


kathy b said…
By the way if you want ME to nominate A HUNK for you on Kim's blog handeyecrafts, I wll. Just name him!
Nancy said…
Last night, I grimaced during my knitting time. I discovered I'd changed the stitch order on the border of my current project. I fiddled with it a bit and tried to change it. Now, it's not as noticeable, so I'll leave it and live with it. "Perfection" is not in my knitting vocabulary.
Unknown said…
There are moments when I'm sure I'm smiling (even broadly), admiring a knitted project as it starts to take shape and reflect the idea created by the author of the pattern. Contentment is probably the expression I have most of the time when I've got those needles clicking.
Anonymous said…
Probably I just smile a little bit. I concentrate pretty hard when I knit. LOL
Katherine said…
Helo is a gorgeous hunk of cat!!

I'll bet you do smile when you knit. I know I do because DH has commented on it. I think he thinks it is silly but you and I know why we do it! I not only enjoy the peacefulness of knitting but I also think about all my knitting buddies out there doing the same thing at the same time. Awwwwww, now that's nice!!
fancystitching said…
I smile BIG when I knit the last stitch, and even BIGGER when the thread tails are woven in... for some reason I detest weaving thread tails.
SissySees said…
She's a beautiful girl. Love me a blue point siamese...

I don't know what I do when I knit. It's been forever.
Kathy said…
Name him Frank (or FRANKIE) ("Old BLUE EYES)!

I think it would be so funny to watch a tape of my facial expressions while knitting!!!! I would have to say that I don't feel like I am smiling when knitting lately. Just feeling a lot of stress and though I am happy to be brain is racing around thinking of OTHER things that need to be done.

Guilt makes me frown.
kids bean bag said…
Knitting can be a form of a shock-absorber. It also releases stress. Its a good way of emotional detoxification.
Judy S. said…
Sometimes I smile and sometimes I gnash my teeth. lol Last night I was knitting and cheering the gymnastics and swimming finals.
gMarie said…
Oh I know I smile while I knit and I have sobbed, and knit too tight from stress. I just ripped the socks that kept me company in the ER because I had the pattern wrong - now i'm kicking myself for not carrying on. g

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