Who's Counting?

Started my second 2 Kath's baby stocking cap 

Another day in the 90s 

The bedroom a/c is set at 66 degrees

Kept vegetarian for 5 of 7 days last week

Bought 2 skeins of  Knitpicks Chroma Worsted

Lake Michigan Water Temp: 78 degrees this morning 

Countless: Prayers for Katherine and Grace 


SissySees said…
Vegetarian? I'm impressed. I did it for several months, but it resulted in BEEF cravings. I do a lot of vegetarian meals here and there, but rarely a whole day...
Katherine said…
Brava on doing the vegetarian thing! It can change your whole outlook on life. If you are looking for new and different veggies try Bok Choy. I filled a pan with Bok Choy from our garden last night, added onions and garlic and a splash of light soy sauce and a hint of cilantro from the herb garden. WOW!!

Thanks for the continued prayers. They are needed!!
Donna Boucher said…
Good list. Did you get my email?
Nicole said…
That's a lot of numbers!
Anonymous said…
We are considering going vegetarian completely. Right now we're eating veg 3 - 5 days a week.
Grace said…
thank you for the prayers---we have no work at all this week and that is down right frightening!
Grace said…
thank you for the prayers---we have no work at all this week and that is down right frightening!
Judy S. said…
Wow, that lake was never that warm when I was growing up!
Kathy said…
Going to be 100 degrees here in Central NY. The grass is no longer green it is crunchy brown. The experts say that it is not dead, just dorment. They also say the fall colors willnot be good this fall and if there is color it will come early. Trees are already in shut down mode.

Would love to be totally veggie myslef, but my hubby thinks he will die without a piece of meat sometimes! I could not go total vegan though.

With the changes in climate and economy etc. prayer and studying my Bible has helped in keeping me from going on meds! (Knitting too.)lol
Celia said…
I can't wait till it's cooler weather.

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