
I'm closing in on the Cardi Shrug finish.  I'm ready to be done.  The yarn knit up beautifully, the pattern was very easy and I'll knit another. However, my arm is hurting a bit , so it is time to go back to sock knitting.   Sock knitting never ever hurts my hands or arms.   So a concentrated finish for today is the plan. 

The weekend included a swim in our neighbors pool (delightful)
dinner out with both adult children for the last time in a long while if all plans go as scheduled (delicious )
laundry overload (icky)
great sleeping at normal hours (heavenly)
slowly introducing Helo to the other cats (uneventful!)
unexpected neighbor visits (spontaneous)
gardening (peaceful).

In a word, how was your weekend?


SissySees said…
One word? Can't do it. It was storm-filled, peaceful, gift-filled, etc.!
Katherine said…
Quiet (Thankfully)
gMarie said…
productive. g
Nancy said…
HOT (temps in triple digits)
Anonymous said…

But, it was a good kind of busy.
April Pettit said…
productive I worked and knit for several hours while at work :)
fancystitching said…
Industrious... DH picked and shelled LOTS of purple hull peas and corn. I processed and froze them. YUMMO this winter!
Minerva said…
Hot(over 100)
Feel-good(I took in my neighbor's frozen food, as half the neighborhood lost power due to storms)
Fun(friends came over to swim)
Too short! (no comment)
Judy S. said…
Fun! Had a get-together with former workmates. We made bicycle-blender smoothies! Had fun singing in summer choir yesterday. BTW, I like your new header; it reminds me of one of my long ago favorite books: Misty of Chincoteague.
KSD said…

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