Staycation Saturday and All Over This Land

My Cardi Shrug is moving along now.  Thanks to Meredith's inspiration at Mereknits.   The image in the middle has the truest color shown.

I changed needles during this knit up.  I had to go to my addi turbos awhile back. I was using my favorite plastic needles, but they would snag the stitches at the needle/wire join. It was driving me crazy to tug all those stitches along each row.   The addi's that I have are not a particularly sharp tip but this yarn is not lace or sock weight, so it doesn't ' matter all that much.  

Fun fact for today: The Kitchener Stitch was named after the Famous Lord Kitchener.  American's copied his YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU style poster,  substituting Uncle Sam for Lord K's image.

Why don't we play a little THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND THIS LAND IS MY LAND game :
just tell me what State you in live in for today's comment.  I"ll start. ....



kathy b said…
kathy b: Illinois. Thats' ill- an- oy.....We don't say the s.
bmom said…
Goldenleo said…
The Tarheel State--North Carolina!
SissySees said…
I live in the Commonwealth of Virginia. There's Al's new resident trivia for the day; she's moving to a Commonwealth, not a state! ;)

Love that peaceful blue. Much peace is needed here. Horrific wind storms have taken out power to 68K homes by some reports and to 740K by another.

And it's supposed to be 100+ again today. Gretchen is pouting because I spoke to her about her lack of tolerance for other dogs and the fact that Chester (senior bulldog) and his VERY PREGNANT owner have no power, no AC, and I can't invite them here because her hissy fit would be worse than suffering without AC!!
Marguerite said…
SW Michigan across the big pond (Lake Michigan) from you.

It's very hot here and the drought is so serious tha governor is on the verge of banning all fireworks on the 4th. Not typical Michigan weather for June.
Nancy said…
Wyoming where the sky is usually a brilliant blue this time of year, but due to numerous forest fires around the state it is now smoke-filled with only a hint of blue. I hate wildfire season!
Anonymous said…
Florida ---- east, central Florida!

(P.S. It's not ALL about the mouse over on this side. LOL)

Hoping the heat wave breaks for all of those suffering with 100+ temps.
Minerva said…
Maryland. Love the cardi. Addi's are my favorite needle to use. Can't go wrong with them!
Beverly said…
The steamy and hot state of South Carolina where it was 109 yesterday and predicted to be 107 today without the heat index.
April Pettit said…
:) Florida...where it is all about the mouse...although where I come from? Its all about the WHALE!
Anonymous said…
I live in the Commonwealth of Virginia (aka The Old Dominion). I actually live just outside of Richmond, the Confederate capital during the Civil War. It's hot as Hades here, plus a huge electrical storm plowed through last night and knocked out power for about 150,000people. Wouldn't you know I lost power during a summer heatwave? :(

Anonymous said…
I live in Texas where today we have a beautiful blue sky with puffy white clouds.
Katherine said…
I am from Ill-an-oy but I live in Texas ya'll, where ya'll, amazingly, is both singular and plural. Go figure.

I love the blue cardi!! Great color.
Kerry said…
I live in NY. And it's slowing been heating up here too. Thank goodness hubby almost has the pool open!
Judy S. said…
Greetings from the Evergreen State aka Washington! Summer has forgotten us so far this year; it's only 64 degrees at the moment.
Melanie said…
Well, I live in Connecticut now but I lived in Rhode Island for so long (30+ years) that I still consider myself a Rhode Islander and probably always will. You just can't get it out of me, I guess. :)
Floortje said…
Hi Kathy, thanks for your lovely comment on my blog! Your shrug looks nice and to see the result. Enjoy your day!
Floortje said…
Hi Kathy, I send you this e-mail earlier as a reply to your blogcomment on my blog, but I don't think it will get to you by e-mail, so I copy and past it here as well...:
Thanks for your kind words! That must be exciting, seeing your son go abroad! I moved from Holland to Spain five years ago with my husband and daughters, but hope they will stay here for a while. My eldest (almost 17 now) might want to study in Holland, but I'm not ready yet....o the weak heart of a mother! My girls speak 3 languages fluently now, it's great isn't it!
I guess you work in an area where a lot of Spanish/South Americans live then? Well, you can always practice your Spanish with your son, he will pick it up soon enough once he is in Mexico.
Celia said…
You're so right. That does look like the sweater I am making. Awesome!

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