Knitting Interruptus

 The orangey cowl is easy and fun.  The Life is Good Shawlette is number 5 for me, I think.
So yesterday, Fireman was trying to rest and I was knitting when the phone rang.  Unknnown number.  For some strange reason I bothered to answer it.  A woman assured me she was not asking for money.  (Yuh-huh) She then went on to say that she was from the Lung Association.  She said we needed to put the word out to my neighbors that our air quality was poor......
I coudlnt help myself.......
I began coughing emphatically into the phone......
She became silent, so I hung up.

Can't stand those phone solicitors....they interrupt my knitting ......


SissySees said…
Hahaha... Love #5's colors, but your handling of the unwanted caller was awesome!
Eileen H said…
Haha Nice one... I like your response.
Katherine said…
I have to remember that one and use it if given the chance!!

I love the peachy cowl and Yippee another Life is Good shawl!! Beautiful colors.
Celia said…
Lovely response. I like the shawl colors.
Anonymous said…
I HATE telephone solicitations, but particularly the ones that are robots. Makes me see red!

And, with political season coming you KNOW they'll be calling many times a day. I'm thinking of disconnecting my landline until after the election.
Alyssa said…
Haha! You showed them! :) I never answer the phone unless I know who it is - that's just the way I do it.
Meredith said…
Very funny, you were quick on your feet for that phone call. I hate anything that interrupts yarn time, today it was my outside furniture needing a good scrub, a phone call would have been a lot shorter.
Happy Workend,
kathy said…
My husband LOVES answering the phone no matter what creature is calling! So it is a race to grab the phone before he does! Right in the middle of dinner he will answer the phone and do a political survey.....arg!

Liked the way you handled the call.

I want NO interuptions to my knitting - that it why I love 5am!
Nancy said…
Caller ID is one of the best inventions, ever!
gMarie said…
Very good! My husband used to answer the phone during dinner - he would say I'm sorry we're in the middle of dinner, but if you'll give me your number I'll call you back when you're eating. of course they never did. g
SusanB-knits said…
I hate those calls. I've gotten to wear I don't answer if I don't know the number.
Nice cowl!
Judy S. said…
That color on your cowl reminds me of sherbet! Very nice. Looks like the shawl will be pretty, too.
Beverly said…
Good for you!
Lynn said…
LOL My husband likes to answer in a DEEP voice, City Morgue!

It really confuses the foreign callers!

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