Flies and Spiders

Karen's Summer Flies shawl is flying.  I had to go to pic monkey to lighten the image.  You get the idea right?  There is nothing buggy about his lovely shawl.  Many people say it is an easy beginner lace shawl.  I think  the term easy lace is an oxymoron.  Why is it that spiders can spin lace webs and I cannot knit lace?

Speaking of Flies and Spiders.  Really. Seriously.  This is true.  100% true.
A creepy ER story from Al.

Patient walks in saying she hears something moving in her ear.  Doctor pours water in the ear.
BIG BLACK spider crawls out of ear.  Doctor asks for specimen jar.  Allision, Nurse, Runs away.

It really happened.  Now, we must knit earplugs.....in cashmere.  I cannot sleep unprotected....anymore.


Nancy said…
Yikes, I'd run, too!
Alyssa said…
Haha, it makes me think of an episode of Raising Hope - Have you seen that show? One of the main characters has a phobia and tells about how when she was little spiders laid eggs in her ear and all the other characters have the same phobia.
Celia said…
Marilyn said…
I say Ewww too!
Katherine said…
Never mind the earplugs, I will never sleep again!! I have a terrible fear of any creepy crawlies. If anyone had asked me I would have told them that I KNEW the little beasts would set up housekeeping in your ear, given half a chance.

Ewwwww indeed!!
kathy said…
EEEEWWWWWWW! My whole family is totally terrified of spiders! I would be screaming my face off!!!

Love the knitting though! No EWW from here on that!
Meredith said…
Okay creepy story is right!!!! How gross is that???? Love the shawl though. And I have to confess I can not knit lace, even the simplest pattern because I can not continuously count to 4 or 5 or 6 depending on the pattern.
gMarie said…
my skin is crawling reading that - Ick! I think I shall run away too.

pretty shawl. g
Beverly said…
My ears itch just hearing that. I am attempting a lace prayer shawl and have made it through one skein. Hoping to making it to the end. I find I have to have few distractions when working on it and with 4 grandkids in the house those times are few.

Love to look at your blog and the wonder little kittens you foster.
SissySees said…
YIKES!!! I'd run too.

That shawl has been on my radar for ages. So pretty.

Where did the photo in your new header come from? Reminds me of Chincoteague's pony swim.
kathy b said…
chan it is those ponies!!! I love Misty of Ch. story. Al will be leaving close enough this year to see the pony swim!
Sue said…
Pretty shawl pattern!

Just think how many spiders we must swallow when we sleep.
Robin said…
Love the shawl! It's such a pretty and popular pattern. And, ooooooh to the ear spider!
knitseashore said…
Your shawl is looking so beautiful!

I didn't want to read that spider story before bed. Yikes. :)
Bianca said…
Oof... spiders do not belong in ears... Your lace shawl looks lovely
Minerva said…
Yum on the beautiful shawl.
YUCK on the spider story! Yes, I think I need ear plugs, too.
Marguerite said…
Gross! The spider, not the shawl. That was a story I really didn't want to read. There are lots of spiders at my house and many of them think they'd like to live inside. Maybe I can train my dogs to protect me from spiders at night?

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