Product Reviews for the Summertime

 I have to say this foot scraper is fantastic.  Really keeps your soles in shape.  Dr. Scholl's done it again. Yes we talking about foot scraping here at irisheyes.....
 This Is a little can you put NEXT to your rib eyes on your grill top.  It gives them a hickory smoked flavor....Truth is, I haven't used it yet.  It comes highly recommended from the Spice House, so it's a sure thing
 Have you seen the newest hummingbird feeders?  It is a foil bag that you simply add water to, and is supposed to stay fresh for days.  I'm waiting for little hummingbird, here...
Karen taught  me this corn dog trick.  Kids love it.  You make cornbread and cut hotdogs or turkey dogs or the like into slices.  Mix the dogs and bread together and bake it.  Voila!  Corndogs in a bowl.  
Finally I fell in love with this little baby girl shrug at 3 Bags Full.  It is a Knitting Pure and Simple Pattern, so that's a winner for sure. I love their patterns  I love the ease of top down seamless knits.....

Have you any new products to review or share ???


Katherine said…
Can't wait to hear how the Hummingbird feeder works out! I will try one if I can find it.

Making the corndog casserole this week! Thanks for the great idea!

New product: I recently ordered a seed bank from, and am so happy with the results. The seedlings started within days and are growing strong in my garden. Easiest planting I've ever done!
Nancy said…
All of these products sound great. I love that little shrug: it is darling!
Celia said…
I have the Ped Egg that was as-seen-on-TV product. It works really well.
Beverly said…
I bought several pairs of the Chiagoo Knit Red Lace needles and love them. They aren't that expensive and I really like the no-kink cable.
Meredith said…
I think I may have to find that Hummingbird Feeder, our little ones are brown here in Florida, but they are still adorable.
Suzanne said…
I think that is the little shrug I made for 3 gifts last year. It was a fun knit.

I tried a different Hummingbird feeder one year but didn't see any. I had an Aunt in upper VT who used to have feeders outside her living room window and always had Hummingbirds. So cute.
SissySees said…
Oh, I think I need that little pattern... I have that scraper and a Ped Egg, and about 3 pumice stones... and STILL have icky feet. Hem.
kathy b said…

Thanks for the needle input, I have to buy some now!
kathy b
Judy S. said…
I need to remember that recipe for the next time the GK visit! Now, off to check out that pattern...

I love HiyaHiya needles, the wood ones. (dpns)
Lynn said…
I love dr scholl's. They really do make a great product for your feet! I'll have to check this one out. And that baby shrug is adorable!!!

However that corndog casserole will HAVE to be made this weekend!!! Do you use the Jiffy box for the cornbread or do you have a recipe you follow?
kathy b said…
I just used jiffy mix as directed
Kym said…
I'm off to find the foot scraper. . .
:-) Thanks for the tip!
Lynneb said…
Well, how about that foot scraper? Good deal...usually my husband offers to you use his electric rotary sander!

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