Babies Babies Babies

My baby hat model doesn't really fit into the hat, but it'll do for now. If any of you want my Comment Cap pattern, just let me know. Some of you have asked for it and I'm thrilled to share it. Just try to send me a picture when it's finished.
The kitten babies are of course, Elaine and Babka. Elaine is still not 100% but her tummy seems to have some good days...She likes the tiny kitten blanket in acrylic bulky so she knows how to flatter me.
Baby steps, baby steps. SO true and so funny in What About Bob.
Baby teeth: I kept them. Did you keep your kids' baby teeth?
Baby dolls: always loved when I could wear that style pajamas.....
Baby It's Cold Outside, is a favorite Holiday song .....
BABE....That'll do pig.
Babe, I got YOU Babe


Anonymous said…
What a cute, CUTE baby and hat!

Stephen kept his baby teeth in an old Coca-Cola bottle. When he moved out to his own apartment last year he found the bottle. The teeth had started to disintegrate. you can imagine, they went in the trash.
Celia said…
OMG! Babies, kittens, and knitting. The perfect post!
Judy S. said…
Baby babies and kitty babies: ist ther anyuthing cuter? So glad the kitties are on the mend!
Meredith said…
Love the sweet baby hat, and those kittens are looking stronger and stronger all the time. Hope you are having a great day,
Katherine said…
Sweet baby hat. Sweet baby thoughts! Baby babies and kitty babies are so hugable!

I kept hair clippings of all our kids. I am always amazed by how much their hair color has changed through the years.
Beverly said…
I love those fat rosey cheeks.
SissySees said…
The hat is awesome and your model is darling... almost as cute as the kittens!!
Eileen H said…
Awww cute photos of baby and kittens.
gMarie said…
Fabulous new header photo! Love the babies, how sweet. g
Anonymous said…
Awwww, sweeties! Hope everyone's tummy settles and they continue to grow and thrive! They look soooo soft!

Love the yarn you used for the hat!

Blog header is lovely!

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