Spring Clean Up Your Blog Rolls Day!

Here is another shot of my finished Life Is Good Scarflette. You can really see the different yarn join in this image.....
I'm going to bleach it today. Seriously.

I get very disappointed when I go to other's knitter's blogs and they list other knitter's blogs, that are no longer active. I wonder if we could do a little spring clean up and make our lists more current. ????

I Read everyone who comments regularly on my blog.
So: Grace's Loving Comforts
Jennifers Major Knitter
Stitches of Violet
Chan knits
Seduced by Yarn
Tangles up in Sticks and String
Wonderfully Made
Comfort Zone
Quiet Life
Wyoming Breezes
Carole Knits
Life's a Stitch
Hedgehog Knitter
Pomogo lightly
Woolen Rabbit
Hippy Chick
Work knit Study
Handeye Crafts
Bubble knits
Teresa Kasner

I forgot Lynn from A Friend to Knit WITH! Thanks Lynn!

Did I forget someone? I bet I did. Im' so sorry. Please add yourself.

So, can we start a grass roots blogroll movement? Spring Cleaning of the blog variety!


Katherine said…
I started to apologize because I am usually guilty of anything that anyone mentions, but then I remembered that I don't have any blogs listed on my site. I must remedy that!!

I also found out that somehow the photos attached to my sock patterns have been removed. Must check on that too!
Meredith said…
I'm with you pretend friend. A bit of Spring blog cleaning is necessary every once in a while. Good luck with the color change, I personally think it looks pretty great the way it is.
Hugs to you,
SissySees said…
I need to update my blogroll... It's on my list of things to do before I "move" to the new blog... you know... if I actually do that... ;)

Beautiful flower and shawl!
Celia said…
Thanks for the reminder. I'll take a look.
Nancy said…
Thanks for the reminder.
Beverly said…
Don't bleach. Bleaching can seriously damage the fibers. I would try overdyeing.
Karen said…
I love Spring Clean Up Your Blog Rolls Day - I'm long overdue on the blog rolls on BOTH my blogs!!
Judy S. said…
Gosh, I hope you don't bleach it! It looks fine, like it was meant to be~at least to me. But then I go by our quilt group mantra: if you can't see it from 30 feet on a galloping horse, it's fine. I'll have to check on my blog list, but I don't think I even know how to have a blog roll.....
Lynneb said…
Good Idea, Kathyb. I gave up trying to keep a blog roll a long time ago and now just depend on my google reader. It's less maintenance!
Anonymous said…
I spring clean my blog roll regularly. I try to keep it to "current" commentors.

I know what you mean about the frustration of clicking on dead links. (Pinterest has quite a few of those.)
Lynn said…
This is why I dont add a side bar of blogs I read. I tend to not tidy up as often as I should. AND Iknow you visit me so add me when you can! Never a dull moment.
Kathy said…
Good idea to clean up our blog reading list...... I have just recently gotten into this blog thing full force, so my list is up to date and fresh.

Going to the beach? Really? Shoot - I would LOVE to go to the beach.....but here in Central NY we had a hard frost and probably in the mountains we would still be able to find snow and ice on some of the deep lakes!

Have a wonderful day at the beach and take a good book and knitting.
SissySees said…
I've shared an award with you!
fancystitching said…
(Meekly raising my hand)... I know you read my blog some, even though it is not all about knitting. Do check out my latest post on kayaking.
kathy b said…
oh oh please add Kathy from Fancy Stitching to my blog reads dailY. Glad you raised your hand

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