Something Out of Nothing

Isn't it amazing? We turn String into Sweaters, and shawls, and socks and scarves...

Do you compost? We only compost yard waste and vegetation, no food scraps. I am always amazed in the spring when the we have rich loamy soil to build our beds up with. In the space of our little compost pile we heap leaves and grasses. We leave Mother Nature to add the rain and warmth and then the magic happens.

Do you have bulbs blooming? I love my double bloom daffodils.

Work in Progress pictures tomorrow. I swear.


Anonymous said…
I wish I had a place in my yard that would work for a compost pile. :-(

Your double daffodil is beautiful!
Kristen said…
I want to compost, but it never gets hot enough to kill the weed seeds, and that daffodil is as luscious as a peony! :)
Nancy said…
Nothing blooming here, yet, but soon.

I would like to have a garden in the backyard, but it doesn't get enough sun for anything to grow.
Celia said…
We have a compost bin, but I forget to water it.
SissySees said…
Beautiful bloom. Nothing in the woods, because the deer eat everything that buds before it can bloom.

Likewise, I keep meaning to compost, but never take that step.
gMarie said…
We do compost and add food scraps as well. No meat however - it's not good. We also recycle. It's good for us as well. Sometimes the hubby will add a can of generic cola - the sugar helps break things down a bit faster.

Your flowers are lovely. It's about time to start thinking about what food to plant this year. g
Katherine said…
No blooming but we have hummingbirds! Yesterday a wave of Rufous hummys came to our feeder several times. Love it!!
Yarn Miracle said…
Yay compost! We are completely lazy about ours, it is 'cold' compost for sure.

And now you know just how far behind I am with my blog reading. I need to hurry and catch up so I know how everything is going.

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