Life Is Good Scarf is Finished

I promise better images soon. The great thing about Janet Avila's design is the keyhole slit that lets you tie the scarf fashionably. I'm horrible at tying scarfs and shawls. I will knit up another one of these beauties. It was a mindless garter project. I used sock yarn from Major Jennifer's stash sale and she gifted me a similar skien too.

I have one problem or challenge as my dad would say: The tones of the different skein lots are noticeable. I may have to over dye the entire scarflette...Any suggestions for me? Maybe I should bleach the entire thing.

Life is Good because Fireman found the missing Library book last night. It was Mostly Mittens and now I have a good twenty bucks coming back to me....
I dont' want to keep the book. IT seems I should recycle the money into a yarny purchase, don't you think?

Life is Good because I get to cast on anew today.
Life is Good because my LYS starts a big anniversary sale today.
Life is Good because my father is doing so well.
Life is Good because the trees are all leafed out already!

Your turn: LIfe is Good because:


Nancy said…
I would alternate the skeins as you knit so it looks planned. Four rows one skein, five or six rows another, etc.
Anonymous said…
A found $20 by way of the book AND a sale at your yarn store? I'd say that's a match made in heaven!
Katherine said…
Good news about your Dad!
Good news about new projects!
Beautiful scarf!!

Life is good because I am finished with the rush of tax season. Anyone who comes in after today will be extended. Woo-hoo!!! I made it through another year. Life is good!!
Meredith said…
Life is good because I got a surprise day off.
Life is good because I am finally feeling better.
Life is good because I get to visit your blog, it is like having tea with a good friend.

Great news about your Dad.

Celia said…
That's a very pretty scarf!
Zach said…
Beatles caption: "you can take my picture but I won't look at the camera, MOM! "
kathy b said…
SO True ZACh! You read his mind
Kathy said…
I love your model! lol

There is a place for mindless knitting isn't there? I love the color!

I also really like your "life is good" list. It is always good to stop and do a little inventory on the things to be thankful for. I start my list with a couple things and find I end up with a list with 50 things! Life IS good!
SissySees said…
Very pretty scarf. And yes, the library refund should be spent wherever it makes you happiest!

Life is good because I'm getting pizza, pinot & pedis with two of my besties tonight.

Life is good because Sissy still sees.

Life is good because Gretchen is indeed a determined JRT sometimes.

Life is good because it's AWESOME to see someone I knew as a scrawny, kind kid is now a hard-working but even kinder man.

Life is good because the Knight is in a good mood.
Grace said…
Life is good because the shower events for saturday are progressing

life is good because my favorite tree is starting to bloom

life is good because I get to come here and read

Life is good because Tom cooks!
Caroline said…
Thanks for stopping by my blog! What a treasure in that shawl!
gMarie said…
No ideas on the finished scarf, before it was finished, yes, but after - dying might work. But, honestly does it bother you? if not, don't worry about it.

life is good because last night was knitting with the gals at the mexican restaurant. and today is the last day of work for the week! g
Monica said…
Life is good because I feel blessed and deeply grateful in my heart!
Nice to meet you, I happened to read your comment on Meredith's blog and just wanted to say hello! Thanks for your interest in my work!
Glad to hear about your Dad.

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