Keep Your Eye To the Sky

We are in for some rocky weather. Looks like most of the midwest could be have a stormy weekend.
Be safe, blog friends. Take cover. My mom says never shower during a thunderstorm. Keep your weather radio or something on to alert you.
Im in the mood to watch the Wizard of Oz......

whilst knitting of course. IS anyone still knitting the 365 day sky scarf? I think Grace is...


Judy S. said…
That's one impressively scary cloud, Kathy. We hardly ever have thunder here, and when we do it often makes the papers if someone catches a lightning photo. Be safe. I'm off to look for that scarf pattern. Thanks!
Nancy said…
I started the Sky Scarf on Easter: today was the first time I knit with white and gray. No moisture yet, but maybe tonight - I hope.
Kathy said…
Wow, we we have clouds like that we head for the cellar! The last time we had a horrific storm and we went in the cellar we came out to no power for 5 days, our barn totalled and the house got a new roof and new siding!!! Don't want to see that again!

What is this scarf pattern.... on ravelry?
SissySees said…
What's the Sky scarf? (Off to see...)

Hope you're safe and sound.
Anonymous said…
Just what color do you knit for tornado weather??? Black??

Hope you stay safe and sound and get lots of knitting done.

No bad weather here right now, but we sure could use a little rain to put out the wildfires.
Lynn said…
Yep,never shower in a thunder storm, the water can conduct electricity and it can come thru the pipes on to you!!!! The first time I heard it I thought it was hooey, but then I heard it on the weather channel and was like huh, my grandmother was right!!! LOL You shouldn't be on a corded phone either. Same reason.
SusanB-knits said…
Stay safe! We have missed out on all that nasty weather.
Meredith said…
It is amazing how the clouds before and after a storm are so beautiful. Stay safe. Can you email me your address? I have a little something for you and I wrote your address down last time but maybe I got it wrong?
Katherine said…
We are calm at the moment in Texas. I'm afraid knitting the sky scarf might invite disaster so I'll stick with easy-peasy shawl!
Grace said…
yes I am knitting the sky scarf, although I haven't touched it in a week but it has been nothing but blue skys so I will catch up today!!!
KSD said…
Thanks for the compliment on my children --- I'm extraordinarily lucky.

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