What's Up
I love this saying....a friend with a son who has Down's Syndrome sent me a video that contained this saying. Priceless.
I guess that is why our kitchen looks like this:
Seems our Radar is in kidney failure. Early failure. Good chance we can arrest it. He is so good about his sub q fluids every morning. Takes all of about 3 minutes to treat him. Looks much more difficult that it is. Radar is a quiet deaf cat and very cooperative. He's on a low protein diet now and he's even excited to eat it. Here's hoping he will feel better soon and his thirst and labs will normalize.
NORMAL is just a cycle on a washing machine...because we picked up a foster momma kitty this week too. It is kitten season. She's miserable, stoic and hasn't eaten the last 24 hours...maybe laboring later? She's isolated up in Al's old room, the kitten nursery.
What's not normal about my passions? Knitting, Cats and Blogging??
Have fun with new kittens in the house, I midwifed many a time!
As for normal--I'm not sure I ever knew there was such a thing as normal. If so, I've never reached it!