Today's Limerick

her cat

There once was a knitter who swatched
her cat sat right by her and watched
she knit the wrong page
though she had the right gauge
so she opened some wine and got sauced.

(original ditty by Kathy B. Inspired by
Susan B's post yesterday on swatching)


Anonymous said…
Very cute!

Beatles is a very patient model. LOL

Hope you have a great weekend with no swatching issues.
SissySees said…
Love it - the ditty, Beatles, the cowl...

No workend this week, right?
Jennifer said…
fancystitching said…
Beatles seems so docile... none of my cats would ever sit still long enough to wear my knitting. Of course, since I only knit SOCKS... that would be a funny picture.

Love the limerick!
Lynn said…
ROTFL!!!! love it!
Katherine said…
Hilarious!! Actually, if you catch me swatching you will know I am sauced!
Beverly said…
Love it! You seem to have the perfect model.
SusanB-knits said…
Love it!!!
I think I'll have a glass of wine with my knitting, hehehe
That really made me lol
Nice cat!
Meredith said…
You are so cute, I love this.

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