Friday Follow Ups

This was my first attempt to wind with my new Nostepinne. I made one error. I let the yarn slip into the little nook near the handle..and now the yarn ball is stuck. Ahhh learning curves.
I love the way the Nostepinne feels in my hands however. I'll get it.

My deaf cat Radar, in kidney failure, is pulling his hair out. It is pitiful to watch. We've tried Benadryl, Feliway calming spray and finally xanax this morning. The xanax worked . It was very distressing to watch him pull his hair out over and over again. I don't know how this is all going to shake out...Keep him in your thoughts, and prayers if you wish.

The little foster momma kitty ended up delivering 3 stillborn at my house. She had to have surgery to get the other 5 kittens out and they were too small to survive. She lost all 8. She suffered I felt, quite a bit. I have the hardest time with people not spaying and neutering their pets. She is still not feeling well and we are hoping she turns the right corner soon. SHe was the dearest little thing. Through all her suffering she never hissed or spit or gnarled or bit. If anyone in my area wants a truly remarkable very young cat, she'd be great.

The foster cats never interact with my cats. They are on a separate floor in a contained room far away from our pride. THis keeps everyone calm... Lest you think Radar was upset about momma cat. He never even saw or smelled her..

So, Mother Nature did what was best. We'll foster again in a bit, that was kind of exhausting.

Its raining cats and dogs outside today......and we need it !


Judy S. said…
Poor Mama Kitty! I so agree about the spaying, also hate to see cats outside. When we took in Mocha, she'd been running wild, had been declawed and was defenceless, and was starving. What's the benefit of your winder versus a ball winder and swift?
SissySees said…
I'm very sorry about the cat stress/heartbreak at your house. The not spaying thing is quite sad and its the animals that suffer... and the dear souls like you.

Prayers for Radar.
Anonymous said…
I'm so sorry for all the sadness at your house and feel bad for poor Mama cat and Radar.

Hope Mama heals up quickly and she finds a good forever home.

Hugs (gentle ones) to Radar.
kathy b said…
As I wrote to Judy, the benefit of the nostepinne is that it is small and portable unlike a swift and winder. It is kind of zenlike relaxing to wind.....
Katherine said…
Such sad kitty news today!! Please give Radar a snuggle for me and know that you are all in our thoughts and prayers. Special prayers being said for Mama Cat and her lost babies. So heart breaking!! I'm so glad she had you to care for her.
Celia said…
I feel so sad for Mama Kitty. I hope that she gets well soon. You never know what cats think about those things, but I hope she is physically and mentally getting better. Big prayers for Radar.
Meredith said…
Wow, you have had your hands full this week with Cat issues. So sad about Radar, hope the hair pulling comes to an end. So, so sad about Mama cat, I think her little heart is broken.
Hugs to you,
bmom said…
I do hope Radar is feeling better. And it's sad news about mama-kitty - hope she recovers quickly.
Anonymous said…
Aw, that's horrible. We had a cat give birth to kittens under our porch, and when we had to take them away, she cried for days. It was really sad...
SusanB-knits said…
awww... sorry to hear about momma kitty, so sad to lose all her babies. Though I'm glad she was good for you.
I haven't tried a nostepinne. Do you like it better than using a ball winder?
gMarie said…
How heartbreaking on all counts. I hope that Radar feels okay. g
Purplejenknits said…
Hugs and kitty cuddles for all. I've been there with my cats over the years ... Kidney failure and aborted kittens are both hugely traumatic for everyone. Hugs to all

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