Things I Love Right Now

No new knitting to show, just Radar at the table.....
He seats himself on a chair just about every night at dinner time. He watches. He hopes. He paws at your hand while you bring your fork to your mouth. Most nights, I give him....a little smudge of buttah. None of our other cats beg or behave this way.

Here are a few things I love right now:

*the few snowmen that dot the neighborhood since last week's snowfall
*Karen Newburger pajamas. They are so soft and comfortable.
*my microwavable neck warmer
*the sock yarn I bought from Grace during her sale. I cannot wait to cast on.
*Hulu. I Love to watch the shows I missed.
*My new slippers from Fireman. So cozy and warm in my cold house.
*My radiators. They are quiet and wonderful to sit on.
*the new postal service at my Walgreens.
*Those fattening fruit drinks with tapioca balls in them.
*Dogs in knit cute
*The movie Moneyball. If you love baseball you'll love it, if you don't love baseball
you'll go batty being bored.
*All your blogs. You really inspire me. All of you.



Celia said…
Radar is adorable.
SissySees said…
Tell me about these fruit drinks with tapioca balls??
Anonymous said…
Radar cracks me up.

One of those Boba places opened up near us. I haven't had one --- considering I'm really trying to be good --- I probably won't. LOL Tapioca doesn't sound like a diet friendly thing.
Katherine said…
Radar is so cute!! I would have to give him almost anything he wants.

Macy grudgingly wears her sweater when it is very cold but other than a bandana she hates when we put clothes on her.

I like fruit drinks but I'm not sure about having tapioca in them.
Nancy said…
I watch a lot of shows on Hulu, too, and I love it!
Minerva said…
I match up many of the same loves! My radiators? Check. My dogs in sweaters? Check. Bubble tea with tapioca? Check...The list goes on..

Also, you have a cute kitty.
Grace said…
I want Radar! I have noticed blog comments are way down on my blog, maybe I am becoming a bore?

I have heard of tea too with the tapioca balls called Bubble Tea but I have never had it!
Judy S. said…
That Radar looks quite refined! I caught Ginger recently with both paws on the table polishing off the milk in DH's cereal bowl. I wondered how many times she'd done that unobserved. LOL
Fruit drinks with tapioca balls? Sounds very bizarre. We don't have these in New Zealand. More info please. Perhaps a picture?
Cheers from down under

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