I need COLOR

I secretly snapped a picture of a woman's scarf in a dining establishment in Lincoln Park yesterday. Let me tell you how grey the day was.....How grey was it you ask?
It was so grey: that the sun didn't really set yesterday. There was no sunset that I could appreciate!~ It just got more grey and then dark. I am so color starved that I nearly asked the woman for her scarf.

I had to use my zoom from my table across the way. I swear it is a glorious Noro yarn in a big old cowl.

My leftover sockyarn cowl is over 35 inches long now. It is still not big enough to wrap as I wish. Let me tell you, if you don't already know, that when you reknit frogged yarn you can certainly see a bumpier stitch definition. I"m sure it will all come out in the wash.....

No Northern Lights could be seen after all, on Tuesday night. I looked a few times.....

The great news: Snow tomorrow. That ought to whiten up the greys around here! How are you coloring your world these deary winter days????



Nancy said…
You are making great progress with your sock yarn.

It was too cloudy here to see any dancing night lights, so I will have to wait.
Anonymous said…
We are actually quite colorful today --- bright blue skies with some white fluffy clouds and some grey puffy clouds.

I think we'll be seeing some rain tomorrow. (Good thing...we NEED it badly). Hope you get your snow.
Katherine said…
I'm a "throw on a black suit with a white shirt" type of girl, but with the rain we have had in the last two days I surprised myself by putting on a red shirt this morning.

I love the scarf! I also love greys and wear/knit with shades of grey a lot.
SissySees said…
Grey day here too, but I was chilly this morning so I have on a brown tunic with a cream shirt underneath.
Celia said…
I can't wait to be off tomorrow, maybe I'll get some son.

The scarf looks really good. Way to use those left overs.
Anonymous said…
I, as Katherine did/does, put on red. I've several red sweaters to wear to get through the winter days. I think I've got 'SAD'. Winters have affected me since junior high. I get sort of cabin fever and I don't like any winter sports. One time I even had my students make suns and rainbows to hang from the ceiling of the classroom in January to brighten things up. That was Northern Germany were the sun came up about 8:30 and went down about 3:30, I'd spend the whole day at school. This got kind of long. lol Helen
Sarah said…
It will come out in the wash.

The northern lights are absolutely gorgeous! I miss them living so far south now.
Minerva said…
My amaryllis bloomed today, that my color! Oh, and the Noro scraf knits on..
Just Me said…
I love the surreptitious photo taking! I would do that, too! My eyes are always drawn to knitted things other people are wearing. I swear my husband is tired of watching tv with me and hearing me say, "knitted hat" or "knitted sweater". Great pic!

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