What do they say about crazy people??

Well, one of the things they say is that insanity is acting the same way over and over again and expecting a different result.....ahem.
I think I may have another cowl and a dishrag or two in me before the 24th.....

What am I doing? I dunno. It just seems wrong to be knitting for myself right now. I know I could whip up another cowl in no time. I have stash yarn that's for certain.... Must look for bulky I guess.....

The dishrag thoughts are like this: I have red and white dishrag yarn......I need a little something more for my sister in laws breakfast basket that I am putting together......

What am I doing? I'm last minute gift knitting.. ..but it just feels right. To be honest, I really need 2 more gift cowls....



SissySees said…
You know I'm last-minute gift knitting, because it seems like the thing to do. Soon though - like this weekend - I have to do cards before it is too late. Then, it'll be baking time...
Jennifer said…
Hehehe - I can't handle the pressure of gift knitting. You're a stronger woman than I am! Did you see Hakucho's Candy Cane Ponies? Maybe these would be quicker last minute knit gifts - http://hakucho.blogspot.com/2011/11/rounding-up-ponies.html
Celia said…
That's a huge snowman!
Katherine said…
You go girl!!! I have tremendous admiration for last minute knitters. I'm running w-a-a-a-y behind in everything Christmas and also still having knitting mojo issues. No last minute gifts from my needles this year!
fancystitching said…
I totally understand... I'm last minute gift-QUILTING. I still have to finish sewing the binding on a gift quilt, and make about a dozen quilted coasters for gifts... on top of working like crazy on customer quilts and trying to do some Christmas baking. I think I just go CRAZY this time of year with my time-management expectations. I lose all sense of reality concerning how long it will take to finish a project.
Grace said…
sorry I have been absent again--no internet or telephone for two days---got a lot done in those two days!!!!
Judy S. said…
It's a crazy-busy time of year isn't it? Wish I could kniwt faster!!

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