Lorna's Laces Stockings Hung by the Chimney ....

*but just for this post. They are so soft. Again, you'd think I worked for Lorna's Laces, but their sock yarns are just like buttah to me......
You cannot really see the picot edge at the cuff top, but it is different and I love it .

*I'm planning to listen to December Peace piano music by Stanton Lanier later...a gift from my friend Sharon just this morning.

*I've already cast on another pair of socks. The awesome thing about sock knitting that I love is their usefulness. How wonderful that eventually they wear out so I can knit more. I have to broaden my horizons with sock patterns this year. Kick it up a notch.

*Sock knitting settles me. The little parts of the sock used to stress me and now it is like I am walking a beloved path when I switch from part to part.

*My friend Sharon also brought over the most wonderful gingerbread cookies. They are so moist and I never make them, so they are a huge treat. I wonder if there are premade gingerbread cookie rolls in the stores to cut and bake...

IS there something you love most to knit???? Is there something you listen to when you need to settle down?



Katherine said…
I agree that sock knitting appeals to my sense of order. From one step to another and before I know it a beautiful sock emerges. Yup, it's my favorite. I haven't done any sock knitting in a while but I have cast on for some slipper socks in--guess what--Lorna's Laces
Anonymous said…
I love to knit socks.

I love to listen to the soundtrack from the movie Philadelphia when I need to settle.
Nancy said…
Sock knitting is the perfect knitting project - small and portable.

Although it is a dream to knit with, I'm not a big fan of Lorna's Laces: it pills and blooms too much after washing for my tastes.
SissySees said…
Classical music. This time of year, Christmas music, chamber style.

I love to knit variety... but you knew that! ;)
Anonymous said…
There is refrigerated gingerbread cookie dough. You just roll it out anc use a cookie cutter. Or, I have just taken it out of the tube and made small balls and baked it that way with a little granulated sugar on them.

I think I saw a mix in a bag as well. Betty Crocker I think. I made a package of Betty Crocker peanut butter cookies this weekend and they are delicious. There oatmeal ones are good too, even better if you add raisins, dried cranberries, chocolate or butterscotch chips. Yummy and easy too!

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