Goings on.....

*Our tree is up. Beatles needed to investigate immediately. Just like a kitty, he loves camping out under the tree. ALL of our cats have loved Christmas tree sitting. Does yours?

*THe bulky green cowl is modeled by AL. I think, I just think, I'm done with little gift cowls. Having been in real stores lately I can see big big long cowls are very in right now. My cowls are for the serious outdoor friends who walk their dogs and need true warmth close around their necks.

*There has been more cookie eating around here... along with a dusting of our first snow. I love the first snows of the year. November is full of 40 degree grey cloudy days. White lovely snow is always beautiful to me until.....March. That seems so far away right now.

*Here's to another workend off......can you say lazy......????


Nancy said…
Personally, I like the closer fitting cowls better: they longer ones just don't drape well unless they are knit with super-fine yarn, which defeats the purpose of the cowl.
bmom said…
When younger, they loved the tree and sit under it like jungle cats. Older? They just snooze in front of the fire.
Anonymous said…
We don't have a cat of our own, but when I was at the neighbor's yesterday, her cat (Jax) was under the tree.

She said the kitten (who was hiding while I was there)had been UP the tree several times. LOL
Jennifer said…
Awww - I love the look on Beatles face. It almost says "You got me an entire tree to play with?"

Love the cowl. It looks very warm. I am not a fan of these big loopy cowls - but I like them doubled. Doubled up they look especially warm!
karen said…
The cowl looks lovely! I am with you on being done with cowls for now. I made "small" ones for warmth. Long loopy ones are in. Love the first photo of the cat :)
SissySees said…
I have a pattern for an infinity cowl, beautiful yarn to complete the project, but I can't seem to cast on.

No cats here, and I'm still not ready to trust Sissy with a full-size tree yet. Another table-topper this year...
My cats don't bother with my tree. But it's only 1 1/2 feet tall and sits on the entertainment centre where they can't get it.

I agree - I prefer the closer fitting cowls too - much more practical (and quicker to knit!
Judy S. said…
Nice looking cowl on a very nice looking model! Looks like Beatle is ready to leap up into the tree? I have also noticed the longer cowls but think a long scarf would be more versatile....
Allison said…
Love that first picture! Gus doesn't seem to like the Christmas tree, because he prefers the squooshy blanket on the back of the couch :)
Celia said…
What a sweet kitty! And a nice model too.
Karen said…
Last year it took K.C. a full day before she was brave enough to investigate the tree. This year, she's much bolder (and much more secure and settled), and she marched right over. She chewed on it once. She pulled off an ornament once. After being told NO both times, she's been very good - she just lays down on the tree skirt and enjoys. :)

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