Goings on for Christmas

*Radar hung his stocking last week.....

*Cranberry sock number one .....DONE. (for me.....aren't I bad?) I think I could knit everyone socks next year if I start the day after Christmas this year.

*Cowls were well received today at Spay Neuter Clinic.

*I'm drinking: champagne....seriously

*I'm eating: Puppy chow candy given to the volunteers at the shelter today

*I'm baking: Cheesy potatoes for our early B family Christmas tomorrow night.

*I'm done: baking the baked beans. I make awesome baked beans from scratch.I follow My Auntie Rita's recipe with corn syrup and brown sugar and mustard. I could leave out the ketchup entirely and I 'd still love them. Fireman likes them with a touch of Ketchup though. I add a pound of crispy bacon on my own.

* IF I get one more PERFECT Christmas family letter I may go nuts. My family letter would be far from the pictures these people paint. Why is it you get these letters when all is well with people? You never get the ones that mention the nervous breakdown or the alcoholics or the like....
oops that was down right Scroogy of me. But it brings up a favorite new quote that the little Silent Carmelite nuns say: God is with us in the reality of our lives, not the fantasy of our lives. Thank Goodness!



Nancy said…
I detest the annual letters tucked in Christmas cards, and unless they have a hand-written note at the bottom, I don't even read them.

You prepare your baked beans very similar to the way I've made them. They are definitely tasty.

Great-looking sock - nothing wrong with knitting something for yourself.
Katherine said…
Thanks Scrooge, for saying what I always think when I receive those letters. I do enjoy one I receive from a close friend of dear son #2 who writes to us every Christmas to tell us how much she appreciates our son and all the wonderful things he has done for his friends. I'd like to paper the walls with those!!
Katherine said…
ALSO--would you share your baked beans recipe with us. I love me some gooooood baked beans!!
Celia said…
I love the cranberry sock.
SissySees said…
I do photo cards, but not a family letter. I enjoy reading them, but cannot bring myself to write one. Really people, just read my blog if you care about the goings on...

And yes!! Please share the bean recipe. I don't have one I love...
Kim said…
The perfect family letters? They are LYING.

Just sayin'.
Bizzy B said…
I know they're 'stretching' the truth, but I love those letters. Don't know why.
Lynn said…
LOL Yes those letters remind me of the posts on Facebook. You only post your best picture, the one where the lighting is perfect and the double chin is stretched out so it's not so noticeable. You're kids are in front of you and nobody can see that rip/stain/belly fat that you're sporting.

Meanwhile you're behind on your mortgagte and the dog has fleas and the septic tank is backing up.

I LOVE your sock! The colorway is really nice.
me said…
love the cranberry sock and your sweet cats!!!! How cute are they!!!
Grace said…
One year when things were really bad at Chez Yaskovic I sent the anti perfect letter, in spoof form. My FIL heard about it from extended family and was quite annoyed that we aired our dirty laundry

the sock is pretty!!!
Anonymous said…
I actually got a full-page letter from my sister-in-law, that when boiled down --- ABSOLUTELY NOTHING NEW HAPPENED in their family this year. LOL

Merry Christmas!

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