Thanksgiving Pictures

I've got pumpkin bread on my mind. I've never frosted my pumpkin bread, but after googling this image for us, I have decided I must. Do you frost your pumpkin bread??? Cream cheese vanilla perhaps???

I spent the workend working. The night shift is given the task of taking pictures of the babies for holiday cards for their families. Last night Zoe and I tried desperately to get a good shot of triplet babies for their parents. We simply did not succeed. What came out were little white blobs of babies all scrunched up and ignoring each other. Sort of like scoops of mashed potatoes, although potatoes would have sat more stilly. How hard could it be? I love to take photographs. But it was so hard. The flash would go off at all the wrong moments and the delay on the camera would capture exactly what we didn't really want: little tiny hands in front of faces, and tongues rolling out of their little lips. So we tried......and I suppose the family will be thankful for the efforts.

I finished a holiday cowl tonight in boring black which my friend Linda will love. One more holiday cowl to go.

SO that's the random post after a workend of night shift: pumpkin bread, triplets and cowls.
4 days to the Turkey!



Alyssa said…
Ew, no! I always put some butter or margarine on it, though... does that count?
Anonymous said…
No frosting on my pumpkin bread either. Sometimes I will toast a piece and spread it with pumpkin cream cheese, but no frosting.
Beverly said…
While it looks good we don't do pumpkin anything. We use sweet potatoes.

Probably due to my mom not growing up eating pumpkin so she never served it to us.
Katherine said…
Happy workend end! My Mom frosted pumpkin bread with cream cheese icing but, sad to admit, I have never baked pumpkin bread. I love to cook but baking is not high on my list of to-dos.

Would love to see a pic of your black cowl! Congratulations on the Christmas knitting. Mine is going...well, not.
SissySees said…
Thanks, Kath. Ugh. The diabetic Knight saw that and is quite certain he now needs a simple glaze (powdered sugar and water blended to suit you) on pumpkin bread...
Celia said…
I would have to vote for liking frosting on pumpkin bread, but I have a killer sweet tooth.
Nancy said…
No, I've never frosted pumpkin bread. It think the icing would overpower the pumpkin.

Photographing babies is HARD - I know the parents will be delighted in the images you captured.
Grace said…
never frosted before but could be tempted, love pumpkin bread with honey butter though

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