I abandoned a recent wrist warmer project yesterday. I don't abandon often, but the yarn looks like....well, like it can only redeem itself with felting. It is splitty and uneven and the stitch definition is lousy. I haven't given up on it entirely....

So I switched to the fair isle leg warmers for Al. I'm not really following a pattern, just infusing some fair isle from this chart into them. Fair Isle is a fun challenge for me. Each time I finish a go round and land on the start perfectly, I am a tiny bit thrilled.

The Liberty wool that we picked for the secondary color is darker than the skein projected. I'm getting to the lighter grey portion. I wish the pattern popped a bit more...

Did any of you see the clips of the children whose parents told them they ate all their halloween candy? Sorry, but I thought it was hysterically funny.

Grace is selling some of her stash and it is good looking stuff. I think I just nabbed a skein
Lovin Comfort Knits is her blog. You can also access her site from my comments.

Happy Darker days!



SissySees said…
Beautiful! I love the subtle hints of color, and the main color is STUNNING.
Katherine said…
Beautiful colors! I love the subdued look and the rich background. I'm thinking of abandoning the Deadmau5 hat due to the ear problem so don't feel alone. Some projects are like that!!
Celia said…
I hate having to frog. Glad you were able to make something better.
Grace said…
Thanks for the plug

Still yarn available including Posh from England and a few others

Need more help with the Paypal? Or you can always send a check!!!
Nancy said…
Great job on the Fairisle knitting.
Allison said…
Ooh I love it! I think it will pop more when you get to the lighter part,
Kim said…
Abandoning something in favor of Fair Isle? You are a much braver knitter than I!
Judy S. said…
Wow, Kathy! You went from a short-in-length project to a long one with Fair Isle. I am very impressed! (I have a tough time with multiple colors getting the joins to look good.) I know what you mean about feeling good when the row works out; it's the same for me with lace charts...and oh so icky when it doesn't, right? Have a great day!
Cheryl said…
One trick I learned about choosing yarn for colourwork (either fair isle or mosaic or striping) is to take a B&W picture of your yarns side by side, if you can see a difference in them in the picture they will contrast well, if not you'll have a lack of colour pop!
Bianca said…
This is looking nice! Think they would give you warm hands too.

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