Just Because it is FUN

I know I know Halloween is way over. I don't have wristwarmer images for you yet. I promise them later today or tomorrow. The great news is they felted well!!
I have felting luck. I washed them twice in hot water in the front load washing machine with a jean jacket. Now they are drying on the radiators.

This is Al and Pete at their Halloween party this year. I love the image. DO YOU?



Celia said…
Very cool pictures!
SissySees said…
Love it!! While I don't do costumes, I do enjoy everyone else's!

So glad they felted well.
Judy S. said…
Cute photo! Great fingernails!

Glad your wristwarmers shaped up. What did you do to preserve the holes, or did you have to do anything? Felting is fun, isn't it?
Beverly said…
They look so sophisticated.
Lynneb said…
Well I really love Al's costume, that's for sure!

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