The Sweater Graveyard

Sorry about the image that is not the graveyard I planned. My coleus is headed to the graveyard soon as the weather is turning rapidly around Chicago. I love coleus; we have a shady front yard and coleus just seem to me to be the workhorse of the annuals.

I sent my first hand knit sweater to the trash/graveyard today. Wow it was hard to throw it out. Trashing something you worked so hard on, years ago is rough for me. Then again, it never hung right on me. I'd never reknit the pattern and the yarn was something I can't believe I ever wanted. Why then was it taking up precious space in my closet?

I think I can hear it screaming from the trash bin outside right now.....


Nancy said…
My mother always had a coleus on top of the console TV, and it thrived either from the heat of the TV or from thinking it was being watched by all of us.

I am getting better about throwing things away.
SissySees said…
Purging is painful for me, but yay you!! Room for something new and beautiful that makes you happy...
Katherine said…
You are a strong woman! Toss those things that aren't right and never would be no matter what you do to them. (I can't do it myself but I can cheer you on).

I love that coleus and hate to see it go the way of the sweater!
Judy S. said…
Could you take some cuttings of your pretty coleuses, root them and grow them inside? They sure are pretty ones!
Celia said…
I had a llama sweater that was itchy and stank really badly when it got wet. I did so much work, but was glad when it was gone.
Meredith said…
It is screaming in thanks....I know it is so hard. I still have several sweaters I hold onto thinking I will rip them out, but the thought of that makes me nauseous. Now there is room for more yarn, and more sweaters, you did the right thing.

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