AL'S Berroco Vintage Oat Couture Heirloom Baby Blanket

One lucky baby is going to get this soft and lovely blanket. Al brought it over so I could photograph it for the blog. Mouth getting less swollen, but talking for any length of time brings on discomfort. Liquids are starting to alternately get old, and taste fantastic. Yesterday's tomato soup by Campbell's tasted downright gourmet. What can I have for Labor Day BBQ? I see a spoonful of Sweet Baby Ray's in my liquids future. Any ideas for me?


Anonymous said…
I guess Steve was lucky with his grafts ... he was eating real food the third day.

Hope you are back to real food soon. It's terrible to miss out on good barbecue food.

Scrambled eggs with a bit of bbq sauce?
SusanB-knits said…
Do you like grits? (I don't) but maybe you could put a little bbq sauce on some grits?
fancystitching said…
BEAUTIFUL blanket!! I so admire those that knit blankets. I'll make a baby quilt in a heartbeat, but as slowly as I knit, and as limited as I am on patterns I can execute well, I'll stick to knitting socks.
The baby blanket is so gorgeous:)
Hoping you get to eat BBQ Ribs soon.(((Hugs))))Darcy
Nancy said…
The blanket is gorgeous.

You'll be eating ribs and other tasty stuff in no time.
Scrabblequeen said…
Lovely blanket! I went through graft hell myself, a long time ago. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Hope you're up to better things, and soon.
Meredith said…
Hi Kathy, so glad you stopped by. I love your blanket and you new little cat. I read back on your blog about the gum graft, I think I am heading that way myself very soon. Sounds painful and not fun at all. This is what happens when you brush your teeth too good. Yikes!
Have a great weekend,
Katherine said…
The baby blanket is beautiful. Great work Al! I too would choose rice pudding or plain vanilla pudding. Maybe you could soak some vanilla wafers in pudding and make yummy vanilla mush. Also, I'm one of those weird people who loves Jello, especially green Jello!

Glad you are getting better.
Celia said…
I know I ate those really small shoestring hashbrowns with gravy when I had dental work. I had a hard time opening my mouth at all.
kathy b said…
Hash browns and gravy.....Now we are talkin!!!!!
Alyssa said…
Smoothies, smoothies smoothies! And, mac'n'cheese? When my aunt had teeth trouble that was all she could eat.
Judy S. said…
How about sorbet? That's a pretty baby blanket! Hang in there, and feel better soon.
SissySees said…
LOVE that blanket. I've had an Oat Couture baby blanket in my sights since I was a new knitter. Not that one though, and I like that pattern too...

LOVE over-cooked mac 'n cheese sauce when my mouth hurts.
Cheryl said…
Good luck with the soft foods/liquids! I have jaw problems & am in the middle of a flare-up so are right there with you on the liquids! I had jaw surgery and was on soft foods for 9 months, so I completely understand getting sick of what you are allowed to eat!!

I loved mashing up baked potatoes with lots of cheese, sour cream and other little flavourful bits of stuff.

Hope you can start eating regular food soon!!
Frieda said…
Hope that you're back to some more substantial food soon !

Fantastic baby blanket , I just love berroco vintage ! I must check out that pattern ...

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