Nighttime post

Donna B. of Quiet Life took a nighttime photography class and inspired me. Not that this image is priceless or perfect, but I love my screened porch on summer nights. The lights are all on ....("Do we have to have it lit up like a runway?" fireman often says....more than asks....)

I need light to knit! I haven't taken my headlamp out in a while....perhaps it is time...

Today after much thought and agonzing over making Fireman a tie with the great new swap yarn from Channon, (with the fireman label,) I cast on and immediately said, "Forget it" You only cast on 30 stitches and you are supposed to do it on straights. I did the last one on double points.....
I simply cannot go round and round and round on itty bitty needles again....
I cast on 64 on double points....
they'll either be socks, fingerless gloves or mittens....Haven't decided yet!
Love the generic cast on ......

Far more reading of blogs today than knitting of stitches...but the night is young.
The sound of the crickets is one of my favorite things about summer. The roar of the O'hare airport planes only drowns them out for a few ear shattering minutes....and then the chirping is heard again. Other sounds I love in summer:
the splash of my neighbors in their pool
thunder, of course
the train whistle far away
the sound the moon makes when it is full and rising(wink)
the fountain on my porch bubbling away
a sound I no longer hear but loved...those awful blue bug zappers! Die mosquitos die!
neighbors hushed around a campfire
when Zach plays his guitar on the porch....ahhhh I miss that actually
utensils clicking in another kitchen
the silent sound of our sincerest prayers before we fall asleep...

Do you have a favorite summer sound?


Nancy said…
. . .a warm breeze rattling the leaves on a the corn stalks in the field
. . .the burbling of water in an irrigation ditch
. . .soft bawls from the calves as they settle in the straw
. . .rhythmic pounding of the baler in a distant field
. . .the hum of the yard light
Donna Boucher said…
I like all your sounds.

My favorite is the sound of the air conditioner kicking in :D

not really...I like wind in the leaves a lot.
and I love the Blue Angels or the Thunderbirds. WOOOOO....

And the sound my car engine makes when I am PASSING a slow poke on hwy 12 or 14


I think I like loud sounds.

And then...I like no sound at all.
SissySees said…
I want your porch. Our front porch is TINY and I want it to be bigger and now, I want it screened in too, with ceiling fans...

I like summer night sounds... crickets, tree frogs, a neighbor's dog barking in the distance...
Alyssa said…
My favorite summer sound is the sound fireflies make. If you get close enough, you can hear a whizzing sound!

My mom has an awesome porch as well! One of my favorite parts of moving home has been sitting on her porch.
Celia said…
The sound of margaritas in a blender :o)
Kathryn said…
Love that picture - it's home to me! Has always been. xoxo Bouf

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