Knitting Time just Ahead
I don't know if the periodontist found any encrypted messages in my teeth last night, (A Serious Man Film image). If he did find a message I hope it was my Nana's favorite riddle:
Thirty white horses on a red hill,
Now they chomp
Now they stomp
Now they stand still.
I have a thing for those Riddles. If you want more for the brain workout today google The Theives Guild and Riddles.
All in all it was a good time at the gum graft yesterday. I love that laughing gas....I tell you I could FLY the plane on that stuff. At different points I felt like there were a thousand marbles in my mouth and the hour after we got home was a pulsating pain throbbing workout.
But a little more than directions call for of ADVIL and a lovely ice pack and I was settled an hour later. Oh and I hadn't had any caffeine so the headache was throbbing in synch with the mouth ache.....
Nothing like some lukewarm fresh coffee to snap out of it! No talking is allowed for the 8 hours post procedure. I had a BUZZ AND WOODY grease board and was writing fast and furious to Fireman.
He had to go back in to work, but delivered a wonderful vanilla malt, for sustinence, to me.
I have to say while I was hearing the drill, and sucking the laughing gas as deeply as I could at that moment, I tried to think of something soothing....and seriously, my knitting came to me.
I pictured those plastic red needles that one of you gave me in a swap. I adore those cheapy needles. I just imagined knitting stitches with those two needles.....
was it the laughing gas or the knit memory? Who knows? Here's to soft food for more than a week. Time to go and knit now......that beret is going to make an appearance here very soon!
You know I want to sink my teeth into that Ella Rae again...
Happy to hear that things went well. Today, you'll have to knit without the laughing gas AFTER you get some needed rest.
Once I had a tumor removed from my throat, it was caused by 2nd hand smoke but non-cancerous (Thank God) and I couldn't talk for 8 hours,it was quite near my voice box area, try and discipline 3 kids when you can't yell!!! No actually they were great and helped me out a lot
Hope the recovery goes well. Enjoy those shakes and malts.