Speaking of Fast....

The Fast Florida Footies are finished....phew...

Speaking of fast, anyone know how I can lose about 20 lbs in the next few hours? I volunteered to be part of an educational video at work...
If the camera adds 10 pounds, then oh dear......

I plan to : Have good hair and makeup and hope the lighting is dim ....
perhaps I can ask the producer for a scene edit.....

What color lipstick goes best with Fat? Any help is appreciated.

I'm just joking you know. I do have some weight to lose and am started on
the journey...
that's what we call it now right? A journey...not a DIET.

Why do all the good things have to be bad for you?
I love salted nuts......
clearly giving up the potato chip thing until Mid August was not enough to
offset the Door County temptations.

I sincerely tried to drink Diet pepsi last night and nearly aspirated from
the choking that ensued.....

I've even found a way to knit and eat messy things at the same time...
did you know you can eat Cheetos, baked of course, with a fork? This way you
can keep knitting without the feared freaky orange fingertips....

It is what it is. I think Im a bit too good at this acceptance thing...
It was just last summer, as I recall, that I couldnt eat at all for 8 weeks
with anxiety. I dropped all kinds of weight...but in the worst possible way.

I'd rather be fat and happy.....well, happy anyhow!!!

Give me just one tip for my JOURNEY....
(ahhh, yes, another opportunity for growth.......yippee)

My goal is to drink a V-8 fruit and veggie drink today...
without choking.....



SissySees said…
HAhahahaha... Cheetos with a fork! I love it. Might have to use that...

Tip: Water based fruit is your friend. Tomatoes, melons, etc. I find that my best weight loss weeks come when I have at least two servings of such daily!
SusanB-knits said…
Cheetos with a fork! hahaha! I hadn't thought of that.
anyway... think of it as life changing habits, not a diet. Don't forget it takes time to make or change a habit.
Nancy said…
I taken repeated "journeys," but never seem to get to the destination. I have started on yet another path: this time medically monitored - no drugs, thank you very much. So far, so good. At least I'm moving in the right direction, but the destination is still a loooong way off.
Katherine said…
My downfall is cashews with sea salt. I am hooked on diet Pepsi so I try to limit myself to three a day because of that whole calcium and bones thing.

Tip? I drink lots of tea and as SissySees said eat lots of water based fruit but I have the feeling that any weight loss I have from it is purely water loss.

Love the sockies!! Must make some.
Grace said…
For me it has been giving up white products--no rice, no pasta no white flour, no sugar (some honey or raw sugar) nothing processed. Lots of fruits like Chan said, lots of veggies--including zucchini, green beans, yellow beans, sweet potatoes, tomato and cucumbers.

No artifical sweetners ever, no synthetically made oils--usually only olive oil and I try to avoid known GMO foods. And any animal meat that is fed antibiotics, hormones or known GMO grain.

I am not perfect but it is my life journey, started many years too late but at least started at all!
Anonymous said…
I don't know --- the Cheetos with a fork is way above my pay grade.
Ling said…
That was super fast! they look super cute!

I have to say - I'm not very good with diets/journeys. The minute I go on one, I seem to crave all the unhealthy foods. My personal mantra is everything in moderation! And exercise.

Ps - If you want to knit a "lacy" shawl - Gingko is a good choice as it has a lot of stockinette and the lace part is only 20 or so rows. I knitted mine in sock weight yarn and it came out small. Maybe knit it in a sportweight yarn?
Frieda said…
This post just cracked me up . I'm stalled on a similar journey .I'm moving my butt , biking miles everyday and jeez louise no pounds off on the scale . If one more person tell me I'm making muscles I just might bop them ;-) .
Anonymous said…
Diet drinks are better with a splash of lemon in them. The best diet drink is Canada Dry Ginger Ale. Good luck on your journey.
Beverly said…
Nuts are good for you even the salted ones if you don't eat too many. Try Pepsi One or Coke Zero. They taste a lot better than the regular diet versions.
Scrabblequeen said…
My journey advice? Skip "diet" anything! Drink water and un-sweetened ice tea...if you make good tea it doesn't need sweetening. Eat what the season provides, which is awesome at this time of year...yummy veggies and fruits galore!

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