Felting Fun

for followers who find fine freedom in felting:

This will be a bag.
It is two parts nashaua and one part wooly gift.
Created with big old needles from the Take and Replace Swap.
Felting hides a multitude of sins......
and stitch errors....

*handeyecrafts@wordpress.com has started the annual
Knitter's Hunk nominations.
I've nominated David Beckham, Erik Spoelstra, and Rob Lowe.

Who is Erik Spoelstra? Well he is the super hunky coach of the Miami Heat.

Go on over and nominate someone. Who would you love to knit next to?


Anonymous said…
Thanks so much for the nice plug! The more nominees, the more intense the contest.
Grace said…
Tom Hanks, Russell Crowe and Peter Bergman
Katherine said…
I love knitting next to DH but my mind does occasionally stray to Matthew McConaughey.

Haven't done any felting in a while. I can't wait to see your pretty bag!
SissySees said…
I like to knit next to the wee one. Tomorrow...
Beverly said…
Man this must be some contest. This the second blog I've seen it mentioned on and this is first year I've heard of it.

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