Workend Wrap Up...

St. Vitus, dance.

I've decided to call the end of the week my workends. Time to head to work tonight and put my Nurse hat on. What a week is was at our house:

*Power was out from Tuesday night's storm to Friday afternoon... Yes, I am done feeling Amish.

*Zach was home a few great to see him

*I went to Franklin Habit's photography class at Midwest Folk and Fiber yesterday.
He kept my attention for 3 hours. I vow to follow his advice and bring you better
images on the blog.

*Went to Ravinia and heard KD Lang and the Sis Boom Bang with neighbors Thursday night.

*On Thursday I got bit by a cat named BOB, at the shelter. I also cut myself prepping bagels on the same finger as the bite. Why is this relevant?
Well, over at I was honored to be mentioned. K. kindly wrote some
sweet things about me and listed St. Vitus the saint of dancers as the saint she'd pick to protect me.
I investigated this a bit. Seems this Saint protects from lightening strikes, animal bites and oversleeping. Considering the storm, the cat bite and the ever present need to nap...this IS my Saint.....
K. didnt even know about my week when she picked this Saint. Ahhhh Serendipity.

I'll leave you with something Franklin said yesterday, "Your eye is a miracle." I agree


Anonymous said…
You had an owwwwie of a week. Hope the workend is better than the week.
Nancy said…
Can you share some of Franklin's photography tips with us?
Beverly said…
I would love to take a photography class from Franklin. One of my guild members is a professional photographer for the University of South Carolina. Maybe I can talk her into giving us some lessons.

Glad to know you weathered the storm. Even though the power was out most of the week,I guess it's a good thing it didn't happen in the middle of winter.
Celia said…
Hope this week gets better for you.
SissySees said…
Love it - workend and the new-to-me saint!

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