Unsubscribe, Delete, Frog

I'm in an undoing mood.
I'm unsubscribing to many online merchants.
I'm deleting all kinds of images that need to go ba bye.
and I'm ready to frog the pink shawl....

If I don't like it now, I won't like it later.
I can tell while I am knitting whether it is good enough to keep going.
I planned on frogging this earlier in the week. I should have! OH well.
I also frogged the bunny hat I thought I would knit.

Is anything safe? Oh yeah! All my blog friends are safe.
The lace water colored scarf/stole is safe.
Are you undoing?


Nancy said…
I've unsubscribed to several sites, too. I can't stand the blizzard the email touting "special deals."

No frogging happening here probably because I haven't done much knitting.
Beverly said…
This must be the year for clean ups. I agree with the frogging and not holding on. It took me a while to get to that point.

By the way, I make a mean peach cobbler.
Anonymous said…
Always! I'm the queen on undooing. As a matter of fact, I've been thinking of renaming my blog Dee-leted.
Knitting Girl said…
Then, I guess I'm the queen of frogging... For each project I finish, I rip at least two... :P
Alyssa said…
Glad I'm safe! Uh... Wait, I don't even know if you read mine.
kathy b said…
Aly ooops you are safe, I read your blog knit friend!
SissySees said…
Cut bait and fish! Bless and release...

I'm not in that kind of mood, but I have been before and I totally relate.
Celia said…
I understand about the websites. I've got a few yahoogroups that I never read that I need to get rid of.
Linda said…
Well, I'm glad your holding onto your bloggy friends!I have been cleaning out and getting rid of stuff and trying to finish projects...does that count?? Have a great 4th!
Allison said…
I'm not actively undoing, but my knitting has slowed down so much it feels like I'm moving backwards. That's kind of the same thing! I hope you find a new use for that great yarn :)

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