This and That

There could be a meeting of pretend friends coming up! Kathryn from TX is coming up for a wedding. She sent me the lovely blue wool yarn in the image you see. She knows my color that is for sure. Wish us luck. We are hoping to meet, eye to eye, needles to needles , heart to heart later next week!

The Kerry Gold car pulled up next to us in the grocery parking lot this week. I do love their cheese. My neice is name Kerry Ann, so I love the cheese even more. What is it about BUGS that makes adverising so darn cute?

Pippa is devoted to the kittens. They are over 2 weeks old now. She is protective of them. No neighbor kids can visit until momma is done and at the shelter....Fireman hasn't gone back into the cattery since last Saturday! Pippa likes me, but I feed her every time I go in the room. She is inhaling food, trying to grow her kittens. Little Bea is still very little. I am rooting for her. If she makes it, I will want a hand in her very special forever home.....

Off to work tonight! My sweet little friend that I follow has a present coming to her. I bought her something to hold onto other than all the wires she is hooked up to. I bought her a soft little elephant on a ring. Prayers for this special baby are always appreciated. She has an uphill battle. Just pray for N. Thanks!


Anonymous said…
One of our neighbors has a VW Bug painted to look like a ladybug and the taillights look like flowers. LOL Makes me laugh every time I see it.
SissySees said…
Cute bug!! Prayers for baby N and Bea.

And Sissy, who stepped on something or got bitten/stung by something on our cut-short walk this morning. Must not be too bad, she kept trying to hunt on our race home, when I just wanted to get her to a clean, dry, well-lit place where I could look at her foot!!
Celia said…
Awwww! Cutie kittens!
Laura said…
Baby N is in my thoughts and prayers.
Alyssa said…
Oh, the baby will be in my prayers... and so will you, hoping you have a good meeting! :)
Z said…
Hope the meeting goes well.

The yarn is nice.
Anonymous said…
Praying for Baby N
Lynneb said…
We have to meet up this summer! In Michigan the week of July 19th! just a short jaunt to Chicago!

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