A postful of p's

A particulary pretty patch of peonies persistently presents itself periodically during peak production season. I pictured a picture on the post of these particular peonies. Because I am playful and pawky, when peaceful, not pell-melled, I promised myself this project. The peony's purpose was as poultice for the gods wounds since perpituity. Peony perfume permeates places in its proximity.
Peonies are prized and propogated. From pale to purple pink this plot of peonies plop their popular buds, proximal to the proprietor's place. Their polychromatic presence brings people to the pasture to pause....


SissySees said…
Love it!! Aren't you clever?
Katherine said…
The problem with peonies is that I often ponder their position in a previous pal's psyche. When he passed from this plane to perpetuity, his ashes were purposefully pitched into the peonies--his preferred posy. I kid you not!!

BTW: I posted!
Celia said…
Very pretty!
Grace said…
May I patiently prevail on you to purposely post the next preamble in another particular letter of the alphabet, the phonetical preponderence of this one was progessively perfect!
Lynn said…
Perfectly preposterous!
Beverly said…
Most of mine bloomed this year. They are so pretty. I can only hope they get like these eventually.
Scrabblequeen said…
Loved your lovely literary license letting us learn of landscape's longtime leaning toward "P"eonies.
Ling said…
Perfect prose!
Irisheyes Lynn said…
I hope Diane W reads this!
Judy S. said…
Our peonies are presently pathetic~thanks to our poor weather. BTW, how'd you get the word verication to start with a "p"? LOL

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