New fosters at irisheyes....Pippa and family

New foster, I named her Pippa, arrived wednesday. Big as two houses. She delivered 6 lovely kittens yesterday afternoon while I watched...amazed...
She was a pro. Complete from kitten one to kitten 6 in 2/1/2 hours.

ALl are thriving this morning.

I slept all night......

(yes they will all have ROYAL family names..he heeee) HAPpy Friday


SissySees said…
Sweet! Love that one white face... You will of course share the name list with us??
Celia said…
Poor Mama! Glad labor went quickly and everyone is okay.
Katherine said…
So sweet!! She reminds me of the cat hugging her baby in the YouTube video that's circulating.
Grace said…
ohhh she must have been so content in her new home to deliver so quickly!
Judy S. said…
Those are BIG kittens and so many, wow! How long will you keep them?
Linda said…
So many sweet kittens! What a joy to be a part of that ;0)
Anonymous said…
Oh my gosh .... look at the little TOES! How cute.

Good luck with the new babes. They sure are adorable.
Karen said…
Oh my!!! So nice to meet you, pretty little Pippa. And those kittens!!!!!!! I love love love them. I want one of the little black & white ones. LOL

K.C. sends hugs to your new kitty foster family.
Ling said…
The little kitties are so cute!!
Lynneb said…
Awwwww....i want one, I want one!

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