Next on my list.......

I think they are the cat's meow.....these No Button Baby Booties on Ravelry by MixtapeMemories. I asked Karen, my teach, to knit up a pair and figure them out for me. I have some car knitting ahead of me.....I hope to knit these booties up then! Have you knitted them??? Aren't they clever?

For all of you playing along with Caroleknits and her bird lists: i have one word: LOON. Carole's tuesdays lists are clever.....

Birdsong is pretty darn clever too. She has been at and I love her slant on things. She is so darn natural and organic. She's starting a dye club. Go read about her new venture at: . You could get in on the ground floor. Do you dye?

I wonder if I will dye or spin first in my life??? What do you think? Dye....spin.....dye....spin....I think I am supposed to pluck petals off a flower while I say this...dye...spin...dye...spin.

Why yes I am drinking champagne at 3 15. We all lead different lives and hours.......There are mornings when I get off the night shift when I'd love a glass of bubbly. I am usually in such a bee line to hit my bed, that I cannot even stop to drink a glass of wine. But one of these mornings, Monday's that is, when I am done for a few days, one of these Mondays I'm hitting the bubbly before bed....
I already dream the craziest things.

Speaking of crazy dreams....
I've only had two sips of the etoh for goodnesssakes, this is still me writing.....

Anyhow. Another night nurse and I were talking in the wee hours of Bin Laden capture and kill, about our dreams. She and I have had very similar dreams. We both dream we havent fed a baby all night and the shift is ending. We dream the elevator at work lets us off on the wrong floor. And ....this is amazing:
We BOTH dream that we took a baby home for the weekend and have to sneak it back into the unit. Cmon how odd is that??? We have never discussed dreams before with each other. I find this so very interesting. Do you and your coworkers have the same dreams????

I WOULD LOVE YOU TO LEAVE A COMMENT> (steps 1559, but I am using a funny counter...i dont think it really is measuring my full steps...but I am too lax to fix things. I'll just go from here. I walked over a mile and a half outside in the freezing grey miserable May Chicago weather...)


Kathryn said…
Yes, who exactly are these booties for? They are lovely. As are you! Love, Bouf
Nancy said…
Hmmm, are these booties for the baby in your dream that you slipped out of the nursery? Do we need to talk?
kathy b said…

YOU DO CRACK Me up!! no these will be for real babies.!
Yarn Miracle said…
Those are SO CUTE. No wonder you dream about babies.
SissySees said…
My co-worker who talks about dreams is my MIL, and she has ODD dreams, so no... we don't dream about the same things.

Those booties are darling!
kathy b said…
What are ODD dreams????
Beverly said…
Cute booties. I sometimes discuss dreams with one of my co-workers but they are never similar. She has on occasion dreamed about someone in my family but I've never dreamed about someone in hers.
Judy S. said…
Very cute! I'm going to test these out to see whether my antepartum moms could do some. Thanks so much for the link. I used to dream of losing my class when I was teaching, or not being able to open my locker combination and now sometimes of not finding my choir music....weird how the sleeping minde works, eh?
Sarah said…
I enjoy Birdsong! And, I love that you used etoh in your blog post!!!!
Those booties are so cool!
Celia said…
I need to make some of those. They are so cute!!
Bianca said…
These booties are really cute :-)

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