Gone like a frieght train, gone like yesterday....

Today was the day the kitties went back to the shelter to get adopted. Someone is going to be oh so lucky to have those two darlings. I loved being a foster cat mom. Even Fireman ended up enjoying the role of foster. There is a whole lot of extra loving on Rosalyn and Radar today!
So the kittens are gone....

My pedometer was almost gone too. I think it falls off too often. I recall this issue with my other pedometers. Yesterday's number was 6891. I think I am taking more steps than that, but I never set the stride thingy ma bob. Oh well. All that matters is that my numbers are going up.
Taking it in stride...thanks for all the shoe thoughts. I appreciate them.

I am settled on Haven yarn for a shawl. I had knit up some of the Batkus pattern and didn't like it. So I have settled for my own very easy pattern. I am mostly garter stitching the shawl. Every whenever I feel like it, I throw in a row of Knit 2 togethers followed by a Yarn over.
I promise an image, but It is too small to show even now!

I am waiting for Grey's Anatomy tonight. Meredith and McDreamy and a baby????? Awwwww.
I am waiting for the sun to come back out before I walk today.......
I am waiting for a package for Fireman's birthday gift......it better show up.
I am waiting for the Kentucky Derby....

What are you waiting for today?



Celia said…
Safe journey to the kitties!

Waiting for my friend to come in from out of state. I have a ton of cleaning to do.
Grace said…
waiting for Tom to come home, waiting for FRIENDS to come on, waiting for 7 PM so I can watch Y & R on it since our president decided he needed to interupt the 12:30 showing
waiting for health insurance so I can have my surgery
waiting to win the lottery....
Katherine said…
Gone like a '59 Cadillac! Sweet little kitties. I'm waiting for UPS to deliver my new Memory Foam pillow. Gonna sleep good tonight!!
Birdsong said…
What an adorable photo! I love the yarn color and whatever pattern you use, it will be gorgeous. What am I waiting for? Spring to stay!
Karen said…
I so admire you - it takes a special kind of love to foster those wonderful kitties and then let them go off to their forever homes. I know their new owners will be just as grateful to you as I am to the wonderful woman who fostered K.C. (and truly saved her life) so she could come home with me!!
SissySees said…
I admire you too. Fostering is tough.

Oh - and I solved my pedometer problems. I have an iPhone app that works with it dropped in any pocket. It isn't perfectly calibrated, but it's close enough for me.

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