Bloggus interruptus
When blogger went DOWN on us last week, I think my heart skipped a beat...or two.
Serious PVC pauses were happening......
What.... no blogger?
No way to post?
No way to read my pretend friend's thoughts???
It felt a bit alarming.
Didn't it????
Here's a little secret: I LOVE TO POST. Yup. I love it. Makes my day. Every time.
Today's little post picture is the hat I am almost finished knitting. It needs a tassel.
A simple tassel. THis single simple finishing touch will take me weeks to finish. I am
certain of it.
As much as I love to post, I hate to finish. I am just not good at finishing skills and they
are crucial to the final knit project. I don't sew buttons on well, I don't do zippers, I
have barely mastered a mattress stitch and I three needle bind off whenever I can.
The knitting part, I adore. The finishing.... not so much..
How about YOU?
The only thing that seems to hold me up is blocking lace. I tend to let it marinate for a while even though once I start it sails right along.
Like that yarn though. Pretty.
I always have some kind of good excuse for this behavior. My favorite excuse is that I have something on the needles that I need to be knitting.
THANKS, With your kind comment permission, I am finished. Not giving it a tassel afterall. My friend, teacher Karen was over this morning and she had the same thought as you! so it is an FO! Hooray!
(enablers.....I love you both)
Karen got tiny bootie results too. Adorable, but tiny. She says to use sport weight next time......
Me? I hate ribbing. UGH! But, I guess my socks just wouldn't stay up without it.
Just when I think I have mastered mattress stitch something goes terribly wrong! Every sweater I've made looks good in some spots and not so good in others. I definitely need classes!!
Oh, also, my feed was crowded with posts I had already read!