and more of my daily reads.....

Carole Knits
and Dawn's Knitting at Skein

Im having trouble loading Ling at Musing and Doing
Beverly at Fiberitis
Chan Knits
and Allison at Perknitious

but they are great reads and knitters as well.


Nancy said…
Would it be possible for you to link the blogs/sites to the list at the bottom of your posts. It's easy:
In the "Compose" window of your post, highlight the word/phrase you want to link.
Open a new window on your computer and go to that person's blog/site. Copy the url of that page.
Go back to your compose window and click on the link button in the menu above the post. Paste the url you copied in the prompt box and click the "OK" button and the word/phrase will be linked to that person's blog/site. Easy Peasy.
SissySees said…
Heh. You're cute. I should aspire to knit and be worthy of such praise...
Ling said…
Thanks for the mention! I'm happy huge internet connection problems at the moment

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