A friend to knit with....TOAST


Change in plans....knitter's perogative and all that stuff.

I am casting on for TOAST this afternoon. Using my Moose Manor lovely handpaint. Im using A-friend-to-knit-with's pattern called Toast. Very easy very mindless, yet awesome when finished.
I choose this pattern for its ease, its likability in the gift option department, and for the needles I will use to knit them. Yup I am choosing a project based on the needles I want to work with next.

Am I the only one who finds addi turbos too dang slick? I don't like them. Al loves them .

I want to knit with double points right now. So it goes.

I finally found a way to have fresh cut flowers in our home. The cats have had a long history of eating all flowers and live plants that come inside the door. Pottery Barn sells this vase...and I had to have it. Here's to flowers in my home again......yippee
I love snapdragons. What cut flower do you love in your home?


Cathy said…
Love this vase! I, too, have young cats that think their mission in life is to either eat all the houseplants or knock over vases sitting on the tables. Will check out Pottery Barn. Currently, I am buying paint samples looking for that lovely gray you have. Enjoyed the swap tremendously!
Grace said…
gladiola's are my favorite but I will take any I can get!!!!

Must look up this TOAST pattern--curiousier and curiousier!
Nancy said…
I love slick needles: addi and Knit Picks are personal favorites. Bamboo needles slow me down too much, but I'll knit with them in a pinch.
SissySees said…
Oh, I love Addis. My Clicks could be all the needles I need... except when I want straights.

Love the vase too. I rarely have cut flowers because I won't buy them for myself and the Knight thinks they're a waste of money.
Beverly said…
Gladiolas. They are the only cut flowers that we grow every year.
Estella said…
Can't wait to see your Toast mitts when they are done. As for Addis - I love them to the point I find DPNs slow me down.
Patt said…
I love Addis! But if you think they are slick, do not try Signature needles. I splurged on a pair. Do not like! Oh well. But I love your vase, great idea. My cat wants to knock over a basket of yarn balls just to see them roll away. have a great weekend! Patt
Anonymous said…
Gorgeous vase AND a good way to thwart the kitties.

Right now I have four blooming orchids in the house. But, I would love to find some affordable tulips this weekend.
Katherine said…
I love the vase and flowers but my bet is that the cats will find a way to get to them! They can walk on the ceiling you know!

Toast? Must find!

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