Dedicate Your Blog Day 4.25.11

Would you like to join me Monday? Who would you dedicate your blog to? You can dedicate that post on Monday, or the entire blog. It is all up to you! Since we spend so much time writing, and our blogs, are in some ways, our books, I wanted to take the time to dedicate mine. Please join me. Who do you dedicate your blog to? Any why???

Copy the lovely button made by Karen M. of: Musings of a (mostly ) Self -Taught Knitter, if you wish! (Karen also writes about Diabetes At ) Just drag the image to your desktop and add it to your blog from there....

Invite your blog readers to join us. This is dedicated to the one...I love!



SissySees said…
Sweet button and what a lovely concept! Thanks for sharing it.
kathy b said…
Channon ,
I hope you and the fur girls will join me monday!
Allison said…
I'll definitely be joining in! This will be a great thing for me to think about this weekend :)
Laura said…
If I come up with something great to blog about, I'll definately join in!

Ling said…
Ooh - great idea!!
Katherine said…
So sweet!! I will edit today's blog to include my dedication.

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