We interrupt this knit blog......because this is just wrong
I really try to stay away from hot topics here at Irisheyes. I like it to be a place of whimsy, creativity and positive connections. But, but but they've gone too far. Breastmilk icecream in London? I dont care if it is the fountain of youth or magic milk.......YUCK......YUCK.....YUCK.......
We now resume our usual blog chatter.....
It brought to mind what I used to tell my students: "Just because we CAN, doesn't mean we SHOULD."
OMG it's just sick! There's just some things that people shouldn't do to make money.
And seriously - isn't that turning some women into actual cows?? I understand England had wet nurses for centuries, but this is in the realm of dairy farm!
PS- I'm a friend of Grace (needle54) she told me to check out your blog.
IT was for real.....
SO SOrry you came to my blog for the first time and you got THIS!
Give me another chance...I rarely gag my readers!
PS thanks for the photo it looks adorable on you