Montezuma's Castle Cliff Dwelling

For Eskimmi question today: How do you organize your stash....I cannot even begin to answer without Fireman totally laughing me out of the house...Im a messy organizer...but I do know where everything is!

When we were in Arizona we saw these cliff dwellings. I found them fascinating. I think God knew not to have me live in that time, because you'd have to love heights to live in those dwellings. No thank you. I did, however, gasp at the mere thought of the view they had from there.....

There were some other hikes in Arizona, and I skipped the last one while the boys went. I knitted at the trailhead with my broken needles.

The Marta cowl is officially finished not because I ran out of yarn, but because I couldn't bear knitting with the broken needles anymore. I am the boss of my knitting. Karen of told me that Tina Faye says you'r are nobody until someone says you are bossy. IM SOMEBODY! and have been for quite some time apparently!
Are you bossy?



Alyssa said…
I must really be somebody, too. But I'm not bossy, I just hold people to my expectations of them :P
SissySees said…
One of my favorite spots in the world. We hiked there on our honeymoon. Sweet...

And yes, I'm bossy. Have been all of my life.
Celia said…
One of these days, I'm going to go there. Gorgeous!
Sarah said…
I live about an hour from Montezuma's Castle. I hope you were also able to visit Montezuma's Well too. Beautiful and I have visited them many times.
Katherine said…
If all the people who ever worked in our office ever got together they would hold me down and tattoo "BOSSY" on my forehead.

Stash organization? Isn't that what the whole house is for?

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