link love

This is the old simple shawlette being re-knit into a cowl. I love the colorway in either form. That is a first I think, for me!

If talent was no object, I'd knit this sweater for my 17 year old niece. She would love it. My sister, my baby sister, visited unexpectedly last week with her 4 girls. Nora, the oldest, loved the fingerless I gave her. She said she'd wear them till she was 60! So cute. So appreciative. The littlest one who is 5 was having a time, understanding how her mom and I were sisters....and how her mom could by my baby sister when I am sooo short!

Here are some links I love and want to share with you: feel free to add to them:



SissySees said…
If only... beautiful sweater. I can't seem to even pick up my knitting these days, much less finish anything. Sigh.
Nancy said…
Thanks for the website: I really like tiny buddha
kathy b said…
I love tiny buddha too nancy!!!
Celia said…
The good thing about a 17 year old is that she's not going to grow much more, so you don't have to worry about her growing out of it. Very pretty pattern. Are you thinking of using that color?

I will check out those links.
kathy b said…
No I am not even thinking of knitting that sweater.....too hard for me!
Allison said…
I like that yarn colorway, too!
Ling said…
It's nice when a recipient is appreciative of the gift - it certainly makes it worthwhile making something for that person.

Thanks for the links - I'm off to check them out!
Beverly said…
It is a gorgeous sweater. I also have some nieces who would love it.

Thanks for the suggestion. I've already decided not to give up anything. Thank goodness I don't nap mutch.
Alyssa said…
I love Eskimimi Knits, that's a really good site as well :)
Scrabblequeen said…
I've come to the conclusion that perseverance, rather than talent, is the thing that gets sweaters knit...LOL at the idea of shorter always being son #3 is the shortest of the bunch, and #4 the tallest...wouldn't he just LOVE to the eldest, too!
Katherine said…
I just took a side trip to the nevernotknitting site and spent a good half hour. I can go back to work feeling much better now!

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